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Do you get a kick out of the clothes in old movies? I do.

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In the black and white films, you can see how thin the women were. Then there's how they used costume jewelry for collars, or the large, oversized puffy sleeves.  I just love to see the clothes the women wore.


The second thing that catches my eye is how the rooms are decorated.  Some with the large florals for prints, and then there's these tall ceilings, and pillars in and out of the homes.  But those staircases!!!!  Most impressive.


I rememer Rudd Weatherwax as the trainer of Lassie.  The makeup of Bud Westmore.  The gowns of Edith Head.  Boy, could she do a great job.


I bring this up since, yesterday I mentioned to my husband that with all these other channels we have for movies, here I am again watching TCM many in black and white.  I just love the old movies.  


What catches your eye in the movies that you watch?

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Re: Do you get a kick out of the clothes in old movies? I do.

@qualitygal  Yes, and now Movies! My go-tos are the PBS channels, TCM & Movies! Those old movies are so well researched from lingo to costuming to sets & social customs. I always include movie clips for my college students. Which reminds me that "Hard Day's Night" is playing tonight. I need to send out an announcement to my students.

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Re: Do you get a kick out of the clothes in old movies? I do.

@qualitygal    Yes...I like to see the fashions from those old movies.  I always got a kick out of the "spectator" shoes.  I remember my mom wearing them many many years ago. 

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Re: Do you get a kick out of the clothes in old movies? I do.

Stairs played important roles in a great many of Bette's films:







  1. image191.jpegimage17.jpegimage175.jpegimage175.jpegold-acquaintance-73.jpgimage190.jpeg
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Re: Do you get a kick out of the clothes in old movies? I do.

Yep, they had class back then.


Now, we got nudity on display, pregnant bellies sticking out every where,

people wanting bigger everything.  Unbelievable.

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Re: Do you get a kick out of the clothes in old movies? I do.

No.  It makes me think about what life was in some part of the country then.  I wasn't alive, but I've heard so much I feel like I was. . . 

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Re: Do you get a kick out of the clothes in old movies? I do.

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In the old b&w movies of the 30s & early 40s, females did not wear bras.  Younger actresses jiggled all across the screen while "older" actresses juggled. Smiley LOL

'Older" female boobies were down to their waist.

Unknown when bras were worn across the USofA.


I loved the hair styles in 30s to 40s movies.

Men & women were considered "old and/or matronly" by the age of 40 & dressed so.  They never wore their hair down, always up in a bun.  Some fancy buns. Smiley LOL

Female hair layed flat all around then a fluff of curls at the ends.

Sometimes instead of laying flat, the head was full of waves in films made during the 30's.


I don't think I've ever seen females smoking on film till Bette Davis came along.


Rich men "dressed" for dinner in a tux.

Rich women "dressed" in beautiful fancy gowns.


SIDEBAR:  The Wizard Of OZ starts off in black & white & ends in black & white.


"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: Do you get a kick out of the clothes in old movies? I do.

[ Edited ]

I love seeing the fashion, but I can't imagine how much time and energy would have been spent on dressing, hair, and cosmetics.  Or washing those clothes. 


@Mz iMac In the old b&w movies of the 30s & early 40s, females did not wear bras.  Younger actresses jiggled all across the screen while "older" actresses juggled. Smiley LOL - OMG you made me laugh this morning. 

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Registered: ‎07-26-2019

Re: Do you get a kick out of the clothes in old movies? I do.

@Mz iMac 


   I think  possibly Mae West sported a cigarette

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Re: Do you get a kick out of the clothes in old movies? I do.

Yes for sure from the 1920s, 30s, 40, 50s - I wiah I lived through these fashion years especially the 1940s & '50s.