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Remember canvassing the neighborhood, alone, selling GS cookies.

Times have really changed.

Love to see the Scouts and happy to support them. I do a low sugar diet, but my coworkers will gladly enjoy. (Ok, I may just have a couple.)

GS is a wonderful program for young people to learn so many valuable life lessons.


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The thin mints are at my local Aldi's and are called Mint cookies. It's double the amount that come in the GS box and are 88 cents. We pop them in the freezer.


They also have the peanut butter cookie, the samosa, the lemon tings (is that what the lemon cookie is/was called?) and something else. The only one we like is the Thin Mints so I haven't really paid attention to the others that are offered.

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the cookie sales in our area were around october/november. i remember because they had a table set up at a local school as i was walking in to vote. i did not buy any because they really are not as good as they used to be. i did donate $5 though.

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@Carmie wrote:

My granddaughter is a GS and always sells the cookies.  They even have gluten free cookies for those like me who can't eat gluten. I always buy a few boxes to support her troop.


If you do not have any GS near you and want some cookies, Walmart has them all year around sold under their own brand name.



@Carmie:  I was just gonna say the same thing - I try to buy two or three boxes from them when they are outside the stores to support them but the Walmart ones are much cheaper.

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@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

@CLHS68 wrote:

I always bought & sold tons in my day when we went out & took orders. Now they don't do that you have to track them down. Last year it was in the paper they would be at a place & the time so I went & no one was there. The laziness of todays kids is nuts. Then they need their mom there because they can't figure out what you owe or the change you should get back. So not going to hunt for them anymore. Cookies are too expensive anyway.

@CLHS68.  They stopped the door to door around here. The Scouts are not lazy, but have to watch out for adults.

In 1973 in Hillsdale NJ, a GS was murdered by a teacher no less when she was delivering the cookies.

If you google that information and see what a horrendous thing happened to a 7 year old. 

I for one am glad they discontinued this practice. 

As another poster said, you can buy them at Walmart.


@CLHS68 - Agree and I wished the schools would discontinue the same practice.  What usually happens is the kids end up selling (calendars, sauces or whatever it is they are selling for a fundraiser) to relatives anyway and the winning class gets pizza for lunch.  Big deal!  Not a lot of the monies from each sale goes to the school anyway.  When I worked in a school a lot of parents would send back that whole "fundraiser" packet and just make a small donation to the school instead!    

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I don't think I've had a GS cookie in decades.   I've heard a lot about the quality being much less in recent years, although I don't know if that's true or not.


Heck, I'm still getting through this year's supply of Royal Dansk Danish Butter Cookies.  I love those so much.  If the GS troups sold those I'd be in!  Smiley Very Happy

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I've placed an order for three boxes. $12

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Re: Girl Scout cookies

[ Edited ]

Hi Rockinista, the cookies at Aldi’s are under the name of Benton’s.  Each variety has a photo of the cookie on the package, so they’re easy to identify.


I only have one package right now and the Girl Scout cookie name is Tagalongs.  The identical Aldi version is called Peanut Butter Filled Cookies.  The names are very basic, but again, just look for the photo of the cookie on the front of the package.  They are identical in appearance and taste to the Girl Scout version, but significantly cheaper.


Disclaimer:  I am not trying to suggest that people not buy GS cookies; I mentioned the Aldi cookies just to let people know that they can get their favorite GS cookies all year round at Aldi’s.  I believe in supporting the GS and have placed my own order just this week. 🙂


"Summer afternoon-summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." ~Henry James