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Re: How do you stay organized?!

[ Edited ]

Haven't read all the responses and this is just off the top of my head.

~ Understand that 'organized' looks different to different people. Figure out what your version is and don't compare yourself to someone else's definition (ie as long as you can find what you need when you need it = success)

~ Set a timer as either a reminder to get up and do xyz and/or as a way to do xyz for a certain amount of time

~ If you need motivation, look at blogs/books/magazines that picture what you want things to be like

~ I used to be a 'notes on paper' person but switched to keeping lists in Excel. This way I can easily color-code (priorities, etc), fade/cross out when done, move it, etc.


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Re: How do you stay organized?!

Organization is not my strong suit and I have to admit, I've pretty much given up... If I haven't mastered it by now, I'm not thinking it was meant to be a skill I'd develop...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: How do you stay organized?!

This topic reminded of a woman in town my Mother-in-law told me about when I first married.


She had a daily schedule and never veered from it.  7:00 to 7:30 am was breakfast, 7:30 to 8am was dishes and clean kitchen, 8 to 9 am was clean LR etc.


She even scheduled coffee with friends. Not let's meet at 10 til whenever, it was 10 to 11.


I thought she was kidding, she wasn't.


As for me, not anywhere as organized as I would like to be and have faced the fact I never will be.

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Re: How do you stay organized?!

I do feel your pain @FlowerBear .

Right now I have been suffering with knee problems, so even tidying up the kitchen is a real chore. Some suggestions:


Go to the library. They have many really good inspirational reads on decluttering, organizing, etc. Peter Walsh is my favorite. Remember him from years ago on Oprah & Clean House?


Try to complete one task before starting another. Clean off the kitchen table before preparing your next meal or snack. As said earlier- Do It Now. 


When do you have the most energy? Morning or evening? For me it's morning. I get some chores done first thing, before sitting down to coffee or breakfast.


For now make your daily chore list shorter so you can complete what's on it. Start every single day by making your bed. No exception! Then, shower and dress.


After dinner remove all dirty dishes from the sink before sitting down for the evening to relax. Waking up to a clean kitchen is an important habit to make and it's not that hard for one .Put papers and trash where they belong before going to bed.


Join us at our forum here: What Have You Purged Today?  A great support group!


Finally, get rid of everything that you no longer use or wear, extras of everything (start with a kitchen drawer or cabinet). Less stuff is so much easier to stay ahead of! In extreme cases (like mine) consider moving to a smaller home. Spend at least 30 minutes a day cleaning out an area of your home. No time like the present, when we have few plans or places to go. You are at home now- make it count. Do not keep anything just because it's good or you might need it someday. You need an organized home today.


Good Luck-you got this! Honor your newly single self with the most peaceful, beautiful home you can make. Enjoy your home. Work more, stress less.

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Re: How do you stay organized?!

Start by really assessing the stuff you have, and how much of it you really need or want. Also consider creating a space for every category of thing you own, and making that space functional, not jammed till you don't even want to access the stuff in it. I feel most of the reason people don't stay organized is they have too much stuff for the space, and they spend time just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Moving stuff around (or letting it sit out an accumulate) not really putting it away.


Not just the home decor, clothing etc that everyone is getting rid of in the minimalist drive, but the average daily stuff that accumulates and junks up our spaces. Things like pens, scissors, note pads, books etc. 


Sometimes it seems reasonable, especially as we age, to have several of things, placed around the home so we don't have to run up and down stairs to get one, or clear across the house. But it adds to the amount of stuff. 


For example, If you generally only use scissors in the kitchen, keep just one pair and keep them there. If you really need them, you can go and find them, in a place they are always kept. Prevents us from having six of something laying around or clogging up drawers and cabinets.


Look at every category of thing you own, and really decide if you want, like, love or need as much as you have. Even getting rid of a small percent of what you own in each category will lighten the load and make organizing things and your time easier. Look at clothing, shoes, accessories, linens, kitchenware, tools.....all of it. Can you let go of just a couple of things in each category? Will that make a less crowded and more functional space for those items? 


Make it a point to clear surfaces every single day, I prefer to do it all before bed. I like getting up to an organized house. But however it fits into your life, be sure those hot spots, like your kitchen table are empty every day. 


Don't sit stuff down. If you just ate dinner in front of the TV, and get up to do something, don't sit your dishes down on the coffee table, or even the kitchen counter or sink. Do them up or put in the dishwasher right away. If you don't have time to do something right, or fully now, you won't want to make the time later either. When you come home, put everything you bring in the door with you away. Coat in closet, shoes on the mat or rack or wherever you keep them, groceries in the fridge and cabinets, mail sorted into the bill basket or the shredder, etc.  Learning to deal with stuff immediately and not letting it ever 'sit' keeps a space so much more organized. 


My mind trick it to look at my home every hour of every day I'm in it and ask myself if I feel comfortable answering the door to unexpected company. Would I feel good about the condition of the rooms? For me, it's a motivation to keep things done up, put up and organized. I always approach a room in the light that someone might be stopping by in the next half hour, am I ready for that? Even though we rarely get company, this works for me. 





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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: How do you stay organized?!

I checked out peter Walsh he has 1 minute YouTube videos for 30 day challenges.
There are also comments from viewers.
He has a challenges for a few years back.
Thanks for suggesting
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Registered: ‎03-30-2014

Re: How do you stay organized?!

People seem come one way or the other.  There will be a lot of stress trying to be the opposite.


Once last year at a large family dinner we were giving someone a hard time.   Finally it was mentioned that when this person unloaded the dishwasher that all the cleans went on the bottom so they could all rotate correctly.  Big silence.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: How do you stay organized?!

I just watch a bunch of Peters videos
One room a day 10 minutes a day don’t strive for perfection purge unused items use containers
In this uncontrollable world (virus) we are all looking for something we can control. He said that’s why we are wanting to get order in our homes, gives sense of peace
Make bed and do dishes everyday, give those used rooms calmness.
Give everything a place and only keep what you have room for, touch once and put away, do a 10 minute go through before bed so you wake up to orderly room.
He didn’t say this but I heard long ago, you start at front door and walk through your house with a laundry basket and put anything in it that doesn’t belong.
I’m organizing my pantry today.

I washed my cupboards yesterday and they look good. I even removed a few doors (easy release hidden hinges) to make it easier for doors that were in need of more than a wipe.
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Re: How do you stay organized?!

I am truly OCD when it comes to my stuff, and have always been very organized.  I could walk thru my house in the dark of night, and find a needle and spool of thread.  


The rest of my family not so much.   They can be looking for something in the pantry and not see it, even tho I've told them what shelf and whether it's left side, right side, or dead center! 

The only thing I have to watch is catalogs, as I tend to let them stack up.   I used to do it with magazines too, but stopped taking those a few years back.   I also shred junk mail every day, and work harder on putting everything away when I'm done with it.  Grocery lists go into my purse as soon as I've written them so I have them when I get to the store.   

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: How do you stay organized?!

A lot of helpful hints given. Agree with managing clutter first then developing consistent routines. I do laundry every other day and put away. Clear sink and empty trash cans at the end of each day. Pick up anything off floors or on sofas or end tables at end of day. Make bed every morning just to get those organization juices flowing. 


On the inside of my pantry I have an excel chart reminding me of task routines and services to schedules. This includes not only weekly tasks but seasonal and annual. Stop looking at me like that.           

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau