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Re: Why is the Woman Always Blamed?

Sorry i’ve been away. I was preparing my review of Kylie Cosmetics for the Beauty Banter forum. Thought those of you who think I’m obsessed would appreciate that. (Never in my life would I buy those products)

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Why isn’t the homewrecker name ascribed to the male in the situation?
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Re: Why is the Woman Always Blamed?

[ Edited ]

@jannabelle1 wrote:

1) thankfully, the woman isn't always blamed...not sure why you think we are. 2) the Kardashians aren't "everywhere" on the internet, TV or printed news. What are you watching or reading?


Honestly, I don't know a single soul who cares diddly about or follows any of them. And who the heck are Jordan and Tristan? On second thought, don't answer. I don't care or want to know!

Could it be that so many programs on TV cover them: talk shows discuss them; entertainment media covers them; even regular news stations cover them if it's a slow news day. You can't even stand in a grocery line without seeing them splashed all over those tabloids that line the conveyor belt. You don't really have to seek them out to have them in your face. I have never watched any of those "Housewife" shows, but I know what they are like because other shows keep showing clips from the shows and have the "housewives" on as guests.

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Re: Why is the Woman Always Blamed?

[ Edited ]

@NYC Susan wrote:

@JBKO wrote:
The National Enquirer has fake news from what I can remember. The Daily Mail doesn’t. (Sorry waiting for my bus in the cold)


Not true.  The Daily Mail has a reputation for being trashy.  They absolutely twist the truth and report erroneous information.  Sometimes it's on purpose, but other times it's because they're lazy and don't check simple details and facts.


(I've seen many stories there that I know for sure are total fabrication.)

They are a tabloid...the kind that covers royals in as inflattering a way as possible. Once in a while even the NE or the DM actually get a story right, but not very often.

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Re: Why is the Woman Always Blamed?

@JBKO wrote:
Sorry i’ve been away. I was preparing my review of Kylie Cosmetics for the Beauty Banter forum. Thought those of you who think I’m obsessed would appreciate that. (Never in my life would I buy those products)

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Why isn’t the homewrecker name ascribed to the male in the situation?



How can you review items you've never purchased?

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Re: Why is the Woman Always Blamed?

@occasionalrain wrote:

No one needs to follow them, they seem to be adept at keeping themselves in the news. It is challenging to know which one has done what since they are all K's. I read something about a big birthday party for one of the children but I don't know which K is her mother. One of them was at the Oscars and there was a lot about her gown on all the fashion shows..


Anyone who is interested in films, TV, and reviews encounters K news. They seem to appeal to lots of people and work hard at keeping that interest. They don't interest me but neither does baseball and baseball players make a lot of money too. 

Simply not true, @occasionalrain , I read the LAT everyday and watch the nightly news; I love films; and I binge on Netflix and Amazon. 


Trust me that I have zero exposure to celebrity gossip -- except on those rare times that I open up a thread like this, which is pretty silly on my part because I almost always have no clue as to the players even are.

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Re: Why is the Woman Always Blamed?

@Ms tyrion2 I believe the op was speaking ironically. Or, maybe since her point is that so many are questioning her supposed obsession, to say she said it facetiously might be more accurate. 


Honestly, I thought it was pretty funny. It's good to see she doesn't take these posts too seriously. 


As I was writitng this I realized that you're a smart cookie and realized you probably weren't being serious either. Yeah, it took me that long to figure it out! Hope you're having a good Saturday. Smiley Happy



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Re: Why is the Woman Always Blamed?

I try to have a sense of humor. Btw, for those of you who are wondering how I know all this information (other than the Daily Mail), I listen to a couple of podcasts including Juicy Scoop that give you the run down of what is going in the world of reality tv. I really like Housewives so its great for that but you gotta take the bad with the good so I end up hearing about the Kardashians.


If I'm somehow indirectly lining their pockets, I'm not gonna beat myself up for that. I still don't like them and will not directly support them by buying purchasing any of their merchandise. This month's Allure has Kendall on the cover--ugh. Well, at least it was 2.00 year subscription that I bought so it's not the end of the world if she gets a fraction of a penny.



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Re: Why is the Woman Always Blamed?

The only thing I know about the K clan is that one of them is trying to help with prison reform and went to Washington about it. Other than that, I only see them off and on in the media. Kim's robbery was everywhere on the news reported on every station, forgot about that...

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Re: Why is the Woman Always Blamed?

@suzyQ3 wrote:

@QVCkitty1 wrote:

@sunshine45 wrote:

@QVCkitty1 wrote:

@Kachina624 wrote:

@JBKO   Very strange, you claim to dislike them so much yet you seem to follow every move they make.  Most people who strongly dislike someone, wash their hands of them yet you seem obsessed with their activities.  I think you have a problem.

You have a point, however, that are shoved in our face, tv, radio, internet, magazines, they are everywhere. I loathe the whole disgusting bunch, but it is impossible to escape them entirely.





it really depends on what you are watching or reading or listening to. i actually see more "stuff" about the kardashians on these boards than from anything else i read or watch or listen to on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, they seem to be a part of pop culture, and lucky you for being able to avoid them.

@QVCkitty1, since I no longer even recognize the names prevalent in pop culture, I thought I was ancient and out of sync.


Now I know I'm just very lucky and fortunate. :-) I say that not at all in a critical way towards these people, but rather, I just don't understand the fascination with total strangers. The last time I was keenly interested in celebrities was in my junior high days. Notice I didn't say "middle" school. Yeah, I'm old. :-)

May I ask then, in a most respectful way, why you decided to contribute to this thread if you have absolutely no interest in these people? Just curious since it seems to contradict your stance. 

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Re: Why is the Woman Always Blamed?

You know, the OP began this thread because she had something she wanted to say. She has as much right to start a thread as anyone else.