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Re: High School student trips abroad-who should pay?

When we had trips to Europe the students contributed to a fund throughout their years in HS - the trips would take place senior year. I don't know if any parents contributed, but it was like a savings plan toward the final cost.

If the parents can afford to pay I don't see a problem but it's up to the parents to decide if they can afford it and if their child actually deserves the freebie. I don't equate the trip with college tuition, either, although the trip can certainly be educational.

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Re: High School student trips abroad-who should pay?

I don't remember the financial circumstances that contributed to the French or Spanish club going to Europe when I was in high school, but only the elite got to go so I don't think they sold candy bars. I would pay for a class trip to some where in the US , not Europe or any where in Mexico.

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Re: High School student trips abroad-who should pay?

I see nothing wrong with asking the teen to contribute through a summer job. Asking a kid to save $3500 is asking a lot if you want them to keep up with their schoolwork. I think it's good for a child to learn that everything isn't always given to them and some things you have to earn. That seems to be a common criticism by posters on this forum - but kids don't appreciate what things cost and have too many things given to them. If the parents have the money it's not so much the dollar amount the child contributes but the fact that she puts in some effort to earn it. I tutored a lot in high school.
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Re: High School student trips abroad-who should pay?

My daughter went to Quebec for a week with the French Club. The club paid a small portion. The teacher suggested asking businesses to be sponsors and some did that.

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Re: High School student trips abroad-who should pay?

When my daughter graduated I paid for her for a two week trip to Australia and New Zealand. Her Father bought her a computer lap top for her to take to school and we asked her to buy her own digital camera for the trip. There is no answer that would be right for everyone. The reason I paid for my daughter's trip is because my Mother had done the same for me one summer during high school. My daughter worked starting after her sophomore year. The money she earned she used to start buying most of her clothes and her entertainment money.

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Re: High School student trips abroad-who should pay?

That is a personal decision. I just have to say $3500 is a lot of money to pay for one week in France. Have you asked why it's so much?

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Re: High School student trips abroad-who should pay?

The parents pay..... Well, I did anyway. Our program gave us a year to save up and pay before the trip was to begin. I had my son attend all the meetings, study about the countries he was going to, do things like cut the grass, spring clean the house and then I gave him money to put in his savings account. By the time he went on the trip (to Europe) the money he had saved in his savings account was his spending money.

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Re: High School student trips abroad-who should pay?

Oh, and fundraisers! The students can really help earn a lot of money for their trip by having fundraisers. Carwashes, bake sales,.....

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Re: High School student trips abroad-who should pay?

My daughter wont let my granddaughter go (to Germany) this year. I don't blame her, I wouldn't either due to it being too far away and her age. (Shes only going to be 15 this month, and that's way too young).

But I know others who did let their children go and the parents paid all of what they had to pay.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: High School student trips abroad-who should pay?

we paid for any trips for our children. they took along some of their own money as ""spending money.""

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