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Re: Any Product Really Help with Brown Spots?

have you tried Maderma? its skincare for scars and strechmarks and such. I remember using it and my spots faded away in a few weeks. It takes a while but Im sure it will work for you too. 


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Re: Any Product Really Help with Brown Spots?

@ElvisShops wrote:

I have brown spots (melasma, hyperpimentation, whatever) on my cheeks. Is there a product that really helps? I have used retin a and retinols for years. I can't see that they have made any difference. Smiley Sad

I have one brown spot at the end of my eye brow. I bought Alpha Skin Care from Amazon a week ago. Its a cream in a tube and was, 10.95. I'm to use it twice a day, I'm very careful to swipe it away from my eye, , and I'm noticing it getting lighter. I thought I'd try it, and maybe someone on here suggested it., I don't remember, as I read so much on here. If they did thanks. You might try it as it doesn't cost an arm and a leg. It says it will take up to 6 weeks. I'm retired don't wear makeup, so it's right for me. Mine is an old age spot, I'm sure.

Posts: 47
Registered: ‎01-18-2019

Re: Any Product Really Help with Brown Spots?

I had melasma and vitiligo. Still have vitaligo. The only thing that worked is Benoquin. The manufacture discontinued selling it here. I found a woman who sells the product plus retinal. I have looked online and it is being sold in India. The packages look like what I have. I think my supplier may not be handling it in the future. My last order she sold five to me cheap. Just a FYI, lighting can effect me just as the sun does. Fluorescent lighting and the energy light bulbs can bring out my brown spots.

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Re: Any Product Really Help with Brown Spots?

Thank you for all of the suggestions. I am going to make an appointment to discuss IPL. In the meantime, has anyone tried SSC's Pure Pep Fading Fluid? It looks really gentle.


I am considering the Paula's Choice item and will also take a look a Mederma.


Thanks again. Smiley Happy