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@BeccaLou  I am sorry I can't give you any advise on your original question. I hope you feel better soon. Hopefully someone else on the forum can answer your question. Being friends for over 30 years and the last of your friends is understandable that you would be worried and concerned and reaching out for support. I will keep you and your friend in my prayers. Please keep us advised of both your health and your friend's.

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@Sheila P-Burg Thank-Yoy. She goes back on March 9th. But the Dr. could have had results of the biopocies but is going away until the 24 th. of March. I hope I can keep her glued together until then. Thanks for the prayers.For she seems to be in good heath otherwise. 

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@Sheila P-Burg I just wanted your opinion of internal biopsies .

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@chrystaltree  ......  you come across as having the compassion of a turnip. Do you have any long time close friends? If so, I hope if they ever need you for support you act differently.

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@BeccaLou  ..... That I can answer. I do believe in biopsies. 

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@KrissyE wrote:

The dr. Can't tell if it's cancer without a biopsy. It can be treated with medicines or chemo if it is cancer. The specimen that is removed during the biopsy needs to be examined under a microscope to tell if it is a cancer.

@KrissyE  And let me add, biopsies do not make cancers grow.  That is an old wives' myth.

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@BeccaLou     Do the research...



@BeccaLou wrote:

Do you feel biopsies can cause more damage than good. I have a friend that's Doctor told her that her cancer can be treated with medicines. That was was a relief but now he also wants to do bioposies and this was told to her with in a minute or two of the medicine option. But she didn't ask why. I would have ask why , I think it may cause the cancer to spread.It's internal cancer, and wonder how that can heal versus externally.Also I didn't hear any exact proof of cancer from him. 


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Re: "Bioposies "

[ Edited ]

@BeccaLou    If she is going to a cancer center, they should have someone to counsel with her in this regard and refer her to someone who can help her with her anxiety.  I think she needs that seriously bad and she needs someone who understands the medical condition, the assessment, the plan and prognosis. 


That should be someone who is very objective.  How about a church person?  A family aid clinic type person. Ask the clinic if there is a social worker who can work with her.  


Ask the doctor to put all this in writing.  He has to make a report for her medical record.  He can give her a copy of that with the subjective, objective, assessment and plan.  Then he can, in lay terms, discuss this with her and some objective person in the church, community or family who has her best interests at heart without upsetting her.  Someone with a calming spirit.

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@phoenixbrd wrote:

@BeccaLou     Do the research...



@BeccaLou wrote:

Do you feel biopsies can cause more damage than good. I have a friend that's Doctor told her that her cancer can be treated with medicines. That was was a relief but now he also wants to do bioposies and this was told to her with in a minute or two of the medicine option. But she didn't ask why. I would have ask why , I think it may cause the cancer to spread.It's internal cancer, and wonder how that can heal versus externally.Also I didn't hear any exact proof of cancer from him. 


@BeccaLou   I do think you are investing your imagination in a lot of trauma.  Stop it.  There is no such thing as cancer spreading from a biopsy.  Internal cancer can and does heal with the proper treatment if the cancer is caught in time, depending on the type cancer, grade and stage.  Now, before you speculate yourself into a frenzy, get professional care for you and your friend and quit saying insane things like cancer spreading from biopsies and internal cancer not healing.

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I trust all my doctors. I do ask questions and do research for more info on all medical issues I have faced over a 14 year period. If a person is wise, they might do something similar. If you don't trust your doctors? Find different ones.




