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Re: Welcome to the Back Fence for January 2018

Well thanks,  Bernie.  Unfortunately the post wasn't there either.   I was trying to help merle with a report he needed, and I must have deleted it somehow. I can't seem to do two things at once anymore.  


Looks like monday morning could be a sloppy mix. School closings are already posting.  I don't like slush and it sounds like that is what we are in store for.  It will get warmer tho, that is a good thing.  


Many members of our family are in Florida.  I notice they all had sweat shirts on.  Being cold in Florida is no fun.  Our daughter and husband are in Orlando at a conference, my niece and neohew are in Panama City, my granddaughter in law to be is in Boca grande finishing a hospitality degree.  All of them are cold.  


We stayed home and watched basketball today.   Took advantage of just doing nothing which is hard for merle. I'm trying to teach him. Lol


freddie I hope Ricky gets better.   And I hoe you and Leah stay well. This is nasty stuff and the flu vaccine is not very effective    


Epi hoe you can get things back in order soon.  

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Re: Welcome to the Back Fence for January 2018

We're in for a warm up over the next couple of days.  My sister texted me that we need to be on the look out for freezing rain tomorrow between 6 am and 11 am.  Great - it will be the ice capades on the way to work, lol.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Welcome to the Back Fence for January 2018

Lucked out this morning - no ice capades :-)

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Welcome to the Back Fence for January 2018

@Winifred  how are you doing?  Are you impacted by the mudslides?  We're in for a spring like day - mid 50's.  I think it will be in the 40's tomorrow and then the high is gonna drop to the teens on Saturday.  At least most of the snow is melting off before we get any more.


Continues to be pretty busy at work.  Finally got a transition plan from leader.  My job has to be split out and shared between 3 people.  I told you guys I worked hard, rofl.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Welcome to the Back Fence for January 2018

I guess you do work hard.  You've certainly earned some breathing space.   


Weve got that that warmer weather too along with rain.  The snow is almost all gone but now those soggy pear leaves are showing.  I closed the drape so I didn't need to see them.  If the rain stops, I may try to pick up some of them.  I could stuff them in bags I think.   They look like the bran flakes I had for breakfast.  Merle is training a new guy so will need to be out tonight.  I think we are supposed to get ice in the morning and then snow again.     


Those mud slides are awful.  I can't imagine how horrible that would be.  California has really been hit.  



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Re: Welcome to the Back Fence for January 2018

I have literally shed many tears, first during the horrible fires and now the mudslides which have been so very tragic and such a horrible nightmare. Sitting in your home with your family and the mud reigns down and you and house is destroyed. So very very sad and tragic.


I now have the Flu and feel horrible I was the last to get it and it is not nice and yes I had my Flu shot but this mess has no bearing on the Flu shot that was provided. Happens all too often but this one is nasty.


Have a good day everyone - suppose to warm up during the day.

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Re: Welcome to the Back Fence for January 2018

@Bird mama  I heard on the news last night that a woman opened her front door and was engulfed in mud which killed her.  I had no idea it was this terrible.

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Re: Welcome to the Back Fence for January 2018

it is so nice out today that I turned off the heat and opened my door to the!!,it's 72 the house.hope it at least lasts a couple of days.

the plumbers will finish up on Monday,then we can't fix the holes till the county inspector comes.i have Eight holes in the laundry room alone. We decided that they should just tear down the ceiling and put up a new one.have a few holes in the basement,and of course upstairs under my sinks.what a darn mess.the dust is all over and will get worse before it's over. I am trying to dust every day.i know it's not healthy to breath that junk in.


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Re: Welcome to the Back Fence for January 2018

Our weather changed dramatically yesterday in a matter of a couple of hours.  We'd been having spring like weather (50's).  I made an appointment with a financial planner associated with my bank and yesterday was the day to speak with him.  I've been with this bank since I was in second grade (soon to be 50 years) so I figured I would start with my bank first.  Here's my point (I tend to ramble, I know).  My appointment was at 9am.  It was raining and in the upper 40's when I walked into the bank.  When I walked out of the bank almost 2 hours later, it was cold, sleeting/icing and windy.  We went from nearly 50 degrees the night before to 18 degrees with a wind chill feel of 3 degrees last night.


I don't know how the outdoor critters survive these temperature swings.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Welcome to the Back Fence for January 2018

We are headed back to the deep freeze and more snow. This morning looks a lot better because for the first time in a week there is sunshine.  I really needed to see that color again.   


when we were at the drs last month, they suggested we get a new pneumonia shot even tho when we got ours several years ago, it was supposed to be all we needed.  Now they want to give two boosters.  Don't know if we will do that or not. We recently transferred our prescriptions from Walgreens to Kroger.  I liked getting the shots atvwalgreen cause they had a private room and we knew the pharmacist.   Now he's gone and so are we. I'll have to see where Kroger does them.   We just should have done it at drs office while we were there. Hindsight.