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WHo takes Magnesium and how does it help you?  Lessman has a sale now...and free shipping.

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I can't take it. It doesn't agree with my digestive system.

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I take it--at night, after a meal.Just one 500 mg capsule. It helps me sleep and also is good for my funny little heart palp. I take a complex that is gut friendly. Not AL's tho.

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@bargainsgirl   Is there a reason you need to take it?  IMO, taking supplements willy nilly is at best a waste of money and at worst could do harm.  Get a blood test to see if it's needed.



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I take it when needed.....CALM (magnesium citrate -buy it at Costco).  It works.   I don't buy Lessman....uses gelatin in the capsules and overpriced products.

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I take  magnesium citrate before going to bed. I avoid magnesium oxide since I've read 

that it is poorly absorbed.

It helps prevent restless legs for me. Magnesium helps so many functions in body, muscles, nerve function blood sugar.  

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Before sleep, helps restless legs.

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Many take it for calming effects, but I can take (3) 500 mg. capsules and it does absolutely nothing. It's good for bone health. 

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@bargainsgirl Why take something you know nothing about? Talk to your medical provider.


I don't get why people just decide to start taking supplements with NO medical advice, just because other people are taking it.


Not a good idea. You need to have blood work done first.

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I take it before going to bed.   It helps relax me.  I started taking it after my second knee replacement.   I was getting leg cramps and the magnesium really helped.