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I use Life-flo magnesium oil spray for muscle spasms plus it helps me sleep. From what I read sounds like most people are deficient which causes a lot of health issues. 




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@Nightowlz From what I read here sounds like most/many take any and all supplements with NO blood work done and no medical advice.


This is dangerous and just plain dumb to do this. For many reasons years ago I was told by my doctor to never take this for any reason.

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@Love my grandkids wrote:

@Nightowlz From what I read here sounds like most/many take any and all supplements with NO blood work done and no medical advice.


This is dangerous and just plain dumb to do this. For many reasons years ago I was told by my doctor to never take this for any reason.

@Love my grandkids 


Well I do my own research I don't just start using a product. If you use too much of the magnesium spray you will get diarrhea. I have never had that issue using it. 

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@Nightowlz I think you know my point. Does your medical provider know this and he/she OK with it?

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I take potassium for restless legs which has made a big difference and I take magnesium so I will go.

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My husband & I take Good State Ionic Magnesium.  We fall asleep like babies!  Without getting into TMI our morning bathroom trip is so satisfying!




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@Love my grandkids wrote:

@Nightowlz I think you know my point. Does your medical provider know this and he/she OK with it?

@Love my grandkids 


Yes my doctor knows about all the supplements I take. 

I do my research so I can take care of myself. The doctors around here are no help. They only want you to take their drugs & do their tests so they can get paid. I'm not interested in doing that unless it's necessary. I'm tired of playing their games. They don't have my back. If I didn't need my thyroid medication I would never go back.

Do a little research about what happens with your health if you are low in magnesium. Can't get an accurate result

with just a blood test.

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I take a type of magnesium for anxiety, high blood pressure and constipation. Works for me and my pharmacist and doctor are fine with it.

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I started taking it when my nurse practioner said it might help me sleep.  It doesn't really help me sleep but  I continue to take it becasue it can help you regulate your blood sugar and I am a diabetic.