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I am one that does not eat any fruit and very, very little vegetables. Was thinking about ordering the Balance of Nature but the cost is unreal for 1 month.

Asking if you know of anything that may be comparable to this out there?


I've googled but haven't seem to find anything.


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@crazy4bears  A friend of mine swears by these. She works and is on the go and doesn't eat well. I think she gets them from Target but I know Amazon has them too. I took a screenshot for you... like that you only need to take one a day and they are reasonably priced. 


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If you google reviews for them a lot comes up.  I looked into balance of nature a while back.  Besides the cost which is astronomical there were a lot of complaints with digestive issues.

There are better supplements out there.  For me sometimes making smoothies is how I get fruits and veggies.  

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I'm sorry I can't suggest an alternative to Balance of Nature, but I can offer a warning. First, these big bottles of capsules are provided because the company requires you to swallow 3-4 a day!! They're big and 4 a day is very demanding. Of course, you get to use up a bottle pretty fast taking that many a day. That's when the Balance of Nature auto shipping works its magic


It's almost impossible to cancel a subscription order with that company. The products are expensive and the FDA does not regulate supplements, so the efficacy of the pills is not proven, mostly anecdotal. 

As you place your first order you get automatically placed into a shipping "plan" as an esteemed "member" or some such to ensure ongoing orders. They will claim it's a cost saving subscription, but you can't cancel it easily and instead  choose to order when you feel like it. Thus, you get more product than you need or want, and the "price break" is invalid if billing continues against your will. Not saying it's impossible to stop, but it could take money wasting months to get this to stop. 

i think their ads on TV are quite convincing and believable. A doctor could recommend ordinary dietary supplements providing the same benefits to your nutrition. I love actual fruit of all kinds and enjoy many vegetables,  so I hope that's enough to serve me through eating alone. But lots of people just hate that stuff. If supplements are needed, don't order from this company.  Balance of Nature has plenty of complaints about their pricing, billing, and over-shipping. 


See a doctor or a nutritionist if your eating habits don't meet your body's needs. I'd avoid anything that needs 4 pills a day for each of a fruit or vegetable boost.  I'll bet an age appropriate multivitamin is less cost and effective enough to opt for, but I can't give direct advice on health products. 

Hope I've helped. 


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What's the advantage of taking these over a regular multivitamin?  

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Check out Costco. They have a product called JuiceFestiv for under $20 in the store. We tried it and it didn't seem to make a difference so we stopped but you might have some luck and if it doesn't work you won't be out a huge amount of money.

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This has been around for a very long time b/c it's actually good and not expensive.


V8 Original Low Sodium Vegetable Juice, Fo 46 Fluid Ounce - 6 Per Case

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@Sugipine   That is exactly what DH drinks. He loves it.  I don't understand how one gets fruits and vegetables in a pill???



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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

THANKS to everyone who replied to this post.    I, too, was wondering about the need for expensive "pulverized" fruits and vegetables.     di 

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