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Re: Hot flashes after Menopause??

When I went through meno I only had a few hotflashes, and that was that.



Doc wanted me to take Premarin, but I didn't feel comfortable with doing that, so I never took HRT.

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Re: Hot flashes after Menopause??

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@morganjen : I was a premature baby in 1954. Doctor told my Mom that medical things would be different for me like starting period early and that happened at age 11. I had to keep a journal to convince doctor that I was in menopause at age 40. Diagnosed with breast cancer in 2003  caused by taking HRT and cancer medicine put me back in menopause.  Can't take a lot of stuff because of the cancer. Currently have air on and have a fan on in my room. My feet are freezing but back and chest very hot 🥵 and sweating. So frustrated and have difficulty slepping. Will be 66 in a few weeks, and to think this never ends🥵🥵🥵🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️😳😳Southern Bee

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Re: Hot flashes after Menopause??

@RealtyGal2 wrote:

@Justholdingon wrote:


i'm at least four or five years past menopause and i'm still having hot flashes. is anyone else experiencing this and does anyone have any natural suggestions for it? my endocrinologist had me on hormone patches, but they hardly worked and i did not feel comfortable being on artificial hormones. I stopped them after about a year. 
thanks in advance for any help!!

I went through menopause cold turkey (no HRT) because I thought the HRT had a part in promoting breast cancer. I found this great book, The Natural Remedy Book for Women by Diane Stein. There is a section on Menopause ways to deal with various side affects like hot flashes. The book recommends vitamin E, B-complex, vitamin C, in addition to other treatments. This book saved me and I would recommend it to anyone. Also, and you may already know this, but if you eat meat or dairy, for example, they will give you hat flashes because of the animal estrogen. There are other foods that will give you hot flashes as well, like chocolate, so you may want to adjust your diet to include more vegetables. I read that in Japan the woman do not go through menopause with all the side affects due to their diet. Hope this helps.Smiley Happy

@RealtyGal2 @Ive been over with menopause for twelve years and I rarely have a hot flash. Menopause for me was a nightmare because it caused me to have the hives for weeks at a time. It is a blessing in that my horrible migraine headaches have stopped since M I've had only one. Anyway, I've been making smoothies and I usually use almond milk but the last grocery delivery I ordered two gallon size soy milks. Guess what? I've been having hot flashes while drinking the soy milk. It's the phytoestrogens. I've run out of soy and I'm back on the almond.