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@tansy wrote:

Because I liked SOA so much, I will keep trying with The Mayans but none of the characters are particularly appealing.  I like the subtitles.  I’ve lost any Spanish skills I had years ago so I like seeing what I can pick up.

Me too, it's been too many years since I took 3 semesters of high-school Spanish.

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Antonio Jaramillo is nice eye candy but unfortunately is not one of the main principles of the show....don't really know who the "star" is.    




Image result for antonio jaramillo

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Image result for antonio jaramillo

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Image result for antonio jaramillo


Don't be sad honey, I'll make you feel better.  

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Whoops, guess not...

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Guessing that most have lost interest in watching this series.  The storyline really picked up during the last few weeks.  No cliffhangers in this week's season finale, but did tie up some character's storys.  It has been renewed for another season.

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I did not lose interest. Just confused w/all the different plot stories which interwined w/each other.  My brain hurt.

Everything came together w/the final 2 episodes.


I am still on the fense if I will even bother w/season 2.   It's doubtful.  Mayans is no SOA, thats for sure.tumblr_nsitpxmp2K1tmczi0o1_500.gif

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Well I was excited about the series but it just didn't hold my interest so I have up on it after episode 2. 😕