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@PINKdogWOOD wrote:

@Puppy Lips   While you said you don't wish lung cancer on anybody, you still said people who smoke should be the ones to get lung cancer. Seriously?


My husband has metastatic lung cancer. It is not by any stretch easy to deal with. He's had one surgery that did not work in his favor as more small tumors popped up along the suture scar which led to many radiation treatments. Doing these and yet more small tumors reared their ugly heads.


He's now doing what his Drs call cancer maintenance - more than likely for the rest of his days or until he's DONE with doing an infusion and deadly cancer chemo pills for 7 days every other week.  


You think this sounds like fun? I can't even begin to tell you how dibilitating this is for him, for me, for us. Just so you know, we've been fighting his cancers since January 8, 2013, the day after he turned 60. This makes it 9 years now.


Do not EVER wish cancer on anyone. Unless YOU get cancer of any kind, you have no idea what you are talking about. 


You should delete your post AND you should apologize for even thinking such a thing let alone posting such a thing.

@PINKdogWOOD I am so sorry for what your husband and you are going through.  I said I don't wish cancer on anyone and I mean it.  I was simply saying that it is a shame that people can get sick because of other people's behavior.  Sound familiar - like the Covid virus?  

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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@Cakers3   Almost every poster here make metion that lung cancer is because one chooses to smoke, or non-smokers who acquired lung cancer because of being around smokers. 


I read posts here and read maybe 3 or 4 or said not all lung cancers are caused by smokers. I agree with this as I do know better.


Why someone albeit the original poster or others chiming in, why someone would say what she said. What she said absolutely hit me the wrong way and I felt it my duty on behalf of everything my husband has been through and continutes just to stay alive needed to be said.


It is my opinion this OP needs to take a serious step back and reflect on what she said. Everything does have a return, I agree with this too.

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Once again @Puppy Lips   you did say what you said in your post. If you meant nothing by it, you never should have posted it.


"People can get sick because of other people's behaviors" - really? Do you know Ms Griffin personally? Do you know exactly how she acquired lung cancer?  Did Ms Griffin say she acquired lung cancer because she's a smoker, or was?  


Smoking is not the only potential way one can acquire lung cancer. I say potential because we do know that not all smokers get lung cancer. To blanketly toss out your belief that people's behaviors do injustices in many ways to others including but not limited to lung cancer is an extremely hurtful (not to mention insane) statement. 


Your followup to me about throwing out bahaviors and covid is ludicrous. A vast majority of humans are down right ignorant, stupid, hurtful. People 'catch things' from others every day, things as simple as the common cold and flu just because they choose take their germs to work for instance, and them there's chicken pox, measles, mumps, whooping cough, so many other diseases even though we get vaccines for some of them.


Please stop 'wishing' things on others you know nothing about. What you said was hurtful, unkind and unnecessary.  As someone said to me, everything has a return.



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I have known two people who have died from lung cancer. They never smoked. You never know.
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@PINKdogWOOD wrote:

@Cakers3   Almost every poster here make metion that lung cancer is because one chooses to smoke, or non-smokers who acquired lung cancer because of being around smokers. 


I read posts here and read maybe 3 or 4 or said not all lung cancers are caused by smokers. I agree with this as I do know better.


Why someone albeit the original poster or others chiming in, why someone would say what she said. What she said absolutely hit me the wrong way and I felt it my duty on behalf of everything my husband has been through and continutes just to stay alive needed to be said.


It is my opinion this OP needs to take a serious step back and reflect on what she said. Everything does have a return, I agree with this too.

@PINKdogWOOD. Why do I, the OP, need to take a serious step back?  I repeated in my OP what was in the news article I read! 

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It is truly incredible the number of ways a person can develop lung cancer.  Radon gas from soil beneath one's home and perhaps even the decaying radon emitted from some granite countertops in one's kitchen or bathroom, due to uranium, thorium, or other radioactive elements in them can also contribute to an adverse health effect on the lungs.


Per the EPA: "If your home has a radon level of 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) of air or more, you should take steps to fix your home and reduce the radon level."


Lung cancer is a terrible disease, no matter the cause.  I am sorry that anyone suffers from it. My high school friend's grandmother, who was so lovely and so very funny with her jokes and life anecdotes, had to walk around with an oxygen tank and required a nasal cannula attached to her nose for her final years of life.  She had been a smoker for many years  Her life choices did not make me love her, or miss her when she died, any less.  She was a pistol, full of life, and a gift to everyone who knew her. I still think of her fondly. 

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@Pearlee wrote:

@PINKdogWOOD wrote:

@Cakers3   Almost every poster here make metion that lung cancer is because one chooses to smoke, or non-smokers who acquired lung cancer because of being around smokers. 


I read posts here and read maybe 3 or 4 or said not all lung cancers are caused by smokers. I agree with this as I do know better.


Why someone albeit the original poster or others chiming in, why someone would say what she said. What she said absolutely hit me the wrong way and I felt it my duty on behalf of everything my husband has been through and continutes just to stay alive needed to be said.


It is my opinion this OP needs to take a serious step back and reflect on what she said. Everything does have a return, I agree with this too.

@PINKdogWOOD. Why do I, the OP, need to take a serious step back?  I repeated in my OP what was in the news article I read! 

@Pearlee   I believe her use of the OP was not intentional.


She was reponding to another poster, not to you.


If you follow the line, it was what another poster said and her response about it and then my response and then hers again.



"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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@Jersey Born 


You are so right about the radon. Our chiropractor suggested we get our home tested. I never really thought we’d have an issue because our home is fairly new. We bought a radon detector and the number in our lower level was high, in a dangerous level. We were very surprised but had someone come and take care of it. We keep the detector plugged in to monitor the levels. But it’s dangerous and I bet most people don’t know about that. I didn’t. 

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@Teddie - One of the additional ways to lower radon inside a home is to frequently open up the windows to air out the home. It is great that you were able to detect the problem in your home and remedy it.  Some areas are more prone to radon gas than others due to the type of soil and rock in the area.   

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@Jersey Born 


Yes, you are so right. Once I found out we had radon I was very interested in reading about it. I found areas where it’s found, down to specific counties. 


Great info, Jersey Born!