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Re: General Hospital ~ May 2020 ~ Spoilers Included

@DLew wrote:

I can't imagine that Nelle wants to be saddled with a baby. She is so self-centered. She has no love to give. When she meets up with Michael, her first thought is never to find out how Wylie is. She wouldn't ever even get custody of a pet, nevermind an active almost two year old boy. What on earth would she talk to him about? What activities would she enjoy with him? Where would she go with him? Is there anything she could provide that would nourish him and help him thrive?

That's a hard no to your questions. And that means the Port Charles court will of course give a criminal murderess who shouldn't even be on parole, custody of a child. Meanwhile, Sam, who shot Shyloh in self defense, is not even allowed to see the father of HER child. We have all come to expect such insanity from the writers. Remember Heather at Miscavige; Ava and Sonny breaking out of prison and then not having to go back; Liesl and all of her misdeeds going unpunished; Ryan Chamberlain, criminally insane, put in a cell with a cell mate whom he murdered? I could go on, but why bother. You know the drill.

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Re: General Hospital ~ May 2020 ~ Spoilers Included



I agree..she is protesting too muchSmiley LOL  as the old saying

preds 06-21-20
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Re: General Hospital ~ May 2020 ~ Spoilers Included

I think the people I wouldn't miss if they left would be Jordan and Cyrus.

I would love to see Tracy back. I also think it would be nice for Violet if her Mom came back.

Also in the minority in enjoying Nelle's performances. Detest the things she does, but I think the actress does such a good job of portraying the evil schemer. Maybe she is not such a great actress but a one trick pony, as I guess she left to do other things but came back because things didn't work out so well.

I would like Violet back with her Mom but definitely not Wiley with his. (I know-double standard)

@Tique  thank you for all the work that you put in each month keeping us up to date on all things GH. It is greatly appreciated.

I don't chime in much but I read all the time.


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Re: General Hospital ~ May 2020 ~ Spoilers Included

May Question of the Month:

This is a something we re-visit often because the answers change frequently.


  • Name at least two characters you would like to leave Port Charles. 
    Cyrus can go - and take Jordan with him. Do not care for her or him. She just needs to leave Curtis - him I love. I am also not thrilled with Lulu or Maxie. Have Sam take a hike also.  She has been nothing but annoying lately.  Got really mad at her when she went after Brando.
  • Name at least one character you would like to return. I also want Tracy back - her short visit just lately was way to short. I would love to have Drew Cain back but not with Sam.  Miss Billy Miller

This could be permanently or temporarily. If you have more than the specified number, include them all.


For those who don't want to answer the above, tell us what storyline you want to move or end during the month of May.

This is not an either/or, you can answer all questions.

PLEASE, end the Mikey/Willow/Shasha/Chase story line.  It is so (for lack of a better word) Stupid.  I like the two original couples together and their friendship with each other.  But of course thay had to reck that.

The mob story lines have never interested me.  I love Marice but have never liked Sonny because of his original story line.  It was the same with Luke.  Just never got over that either.

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Re: General Hospital ~ May 2020 ~ Spoilers Included

[ Edited ]

@southern comfort




Maybe we are neighbors.....whereabouts are you?  Broward County, by chance?

I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread
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Re: General Hospital ~ May 2020 ~ Spoilers Included

@mysoutherncomfort   I sent you a reply.....message 35,  but somehow I'm not sure if it activated your name for you to see it.  I'm kinda new to

I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread
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Re: General Hospital ~ May 2020 ~ Spoilers Included

Welcome to our new family members!!!  We can be feisty at times, sappy other days, but, no matter.  All are welcome here.  Our @Tique is our fearless leader keeping us up to date with happenings, etc.  She also starts our thread every month.


An episode from 2014 is nice, but, I wish they'd go way back.


I am so over this ridiculous pushing Michael and Willow together nonsense.


Hope everyone is doing ok in quarantine life.  Now that it's May maybe we will see more of the sun.  Quarantine is definitely easier for me when I can be outside.


Stay safe and healthy!!


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Re: General Hospital ~ May 2020 ~ Spoilers Included


I hadn't watched any soap in weeks, then I happened to tune in to GH today, and saw Emily and A.J.


!Adios!! again! I'm out until this is over--if the soaps survive. (And I hope they DO.)

What worries you masters you.
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Re: General Hospital ~ May 2020 ~ Spoilers Included

These may possibly be my favorite questions because it's the only time some of our refined friends give us an idea of the people they would like to send far away. See how diplomatic I can be. Surprise!


Then there's the small group who are like me. We constantly let it be known who we want kicked off the show. @grandma r  I know you think you're one of the people I'm thinking of and - well you're right - but I'm not going to say anything because that would be calling out a friend. Love smiley 1

You know we don't roll that way.


@Wiskota   glad someone else feels the same way I do about LuLu and Maxie. Ladies, don't let the door knob hit ya.


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Re: General Hospital ~ May 2020 ~ Spoilers Included

Some of you know I'm almost obsessive about Spoilers so it's been annoying me that I've only been able to find out the Friday Flashback a few hours before it airs. This week when I found what episode was going to air today, I also found what's going to air for the next two weeks. Anyone else care about this?




"And suddenly you just know it's time to start something new
And trust the magic of Beginnings..."