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Re: Y&R Grp Wk Aug 3rd..SPOILERS!

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I knew that would draw you out of hiding. Dang ! I"m good ! LOL








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Re: Y&R Grp Wk Aug 3rd..SPOILERS!

Uh Oh I just read that villianess Sheila Carter will return this Fall for 3 months....yeah I know she "died" Cat Mad



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Re: Y&R Grp Wk Aug 3rd..SPOILERS!

@doolie wrote:

Uh Oh I just read that villianess Sheila Carter will return this Fall for 3 months....yeah I know she "died" Cat Mad



@doolie,nooooooo,nooooooo......NO MORE ghosts! 

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Re: Y&R Grp Wk Aug 3rd..SPOILERS!

must had been just gossip or a teaser

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Re: Y&R Grp Wk Aug 3rd..SPOILERS!

Gees,  Sage go up 3 sizes or get some maternity clothes. you could see her panty lines. Clothes were so tight and wrinkled up , bunched up, creases. Lumps and bumps galore.

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Re: Y&R Grp Wk Aug 3rd..SPOILERS!

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@Rustys mom wrote:

I am thinking that Det. Harding is the murderer.  I have felt this from the beginning.  Can't wait to see who it is.  I am probably wrong but there is just something about that guy that I don't trust.


Could well be...  He seemed to materialize out of thin air or at least after not seeing much of him for a while...  And wasn't it intimated at one point that Marco (or somebody's) organization had infiltrated the PD...  It certainly would explain missing evidence and computers being tampered with, but for me anyway, it wouldn't be any big riveting revelation. While I guess it would be a twist, I was hoping for something with a bit more WOW factor...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Y&R Grp Wk Aug 3rd..SPOILERS!

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@loveschocolate wrote:

@doolie wrote:

Uh Oh I just read that villianess Sheila Carter will return this Fall for 3 months....yeah I know she "died" Cat Mad



@doolie,nooooooo,nooooooo......NO MORE ghosts! 

Oh, I hope not.  This show needs more rabbits out of hats like it needs more holes in the writer's heads... She was done over and over again on two different shows and it would be just plain stupid to resurrect her.  When will they ever get it that shock value only goes so far.  What they need are solid, interesting stories and interesting characters, not the one dimensional qwap they've been putting out there now for months and months. Personally, I was hoping to see turnoever at the top.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Y&R Grp Wk Aug 3rd..SPOILERS!

Hilary gets trapped in an elevator with a very angry Neil.



During August, the mystery of who has been offing Genoa City's 20-somethings since last February will finally be solved. The question is, whodunit?

Kyle, Fen, Harding, Marco, or Kevin.   Prime suspects....

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Re: Y&R Grp Wk Aug 3rd..SPOILERS!

I can't wait for Phyllis to lay it all on Nikki tomorrow!!!!lolol!

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Re: Y&R Grp Wk Aug 3rd..SPOILERS!

Phyllis & Jack now have a secret code word known to just the 2 of them , so, as to know if Jack is the real McCoy or not. LOL


Noah & Marisa get 'down' Tues. no more fretting over Courtney.

Hope, it's bushy brow Faith that appears.



At Crimson Lights, Dylan listens as Faith tells Sharon that Nick and Sage might break up. She heard Sage talking about a test; she thinks her baby might not be Nick's. Dylan intervenes and sends Faith to the counter. He tells Sharon not to use Faith to get information on Nick's personal life; it's none of their business. Sharon says it if affects Faith it is. Nick and Sage arrive. Nick says they have news. Sharon seems stunned to hear they're engaged. She takes Nick aside; she's worried about him and questions the paternity test. Nick defends Sage's integrity. They bicker. Sharon says they've all lied including Sage. At the counter, Faith notices Sage's engagement ring. She calls Sharon over and with a huge smile announces, "Daddy's engaged!" Later, Dylan tells Sharon he sees how affected she was by Nick's engagement - if she's having doubts, now's the time to tell him. Sharon wants a life with him and their baby. She wants them to create a love that can weather any storm.




At The Underground, Sage and Nick find Faith's stuffed animal. Faith apologizes to Sage for listening to her phone call. Sage promises not to hurt them or to ever take the baby from them. After, Sage and Nick joke happily and kiss.



At the Abbott house, Phyllis smashes the photo of Marco in the golf vest. The power goes out. Later, she comes downstairs when she hears someone. He looks like Jack, but he doesn't know the password - it's Marco.