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Re: Spaying And Overnight Stay

[ Edited ]

@Mersha NO NO and NO. Get a new vet. In my experience with cats and having friends who have dogs, there is NO GOOD reason to keep a dog at an UNATTENDED VET'S OFFICE OVERNIGHT!!


Sounds like the vet cares nothing about your dog's welfare and sees an additional charge for "boarding". $$$$ No way!


That is endangering the dog. What if the poor dog had a bad reaction and needed medical aid?


I've known a couple of vets when I helped out with adoptions at PetSmart years ago and NONE of them kept animals overnight after being spayed or neutered.



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Re: Spaying And Overnight Stay

The vets "reasoning" for overnight is that the staff leaves at 8:00 pm and arrives the next morning at 7:00 am and they could assess as to how she is doing.


My only inclination to even think about that was things would be quiet and she could rest.  There is so much activity here with the other dog.


I want to do what is best for her and it sounds like, from everyone's experience, coming home would be the way to go.

"Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are." BF
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Re: Spaying And Overnight Stay

Spaying does not require an overnight stay. Either insist your dog comes home with you before they close or find a new vet. 

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Re: Spaying And Overnight Stay


How far away do you live from the vet?

The car ride after anesthesia may be another factor.


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Re: Spaying And Overnight Stay

Find a new vet!  Money is more important to this one than the welfare of your dog! 


Never let a pet stay overnight at an unstaffed vet's clinic  for any reason.


When you find a new vet ask if the laser procedure is done.  It costs more, but it's much less stressful on dogs and they heal faster.  

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Re: Spaying And Overnight Stay

 Even a quiet strange place is more stressful than a noisy familiar one.

One practice I went to sent the pets out to another facility for spay and neuter thus the overnight arrangement. 

Is there an emergency hospital anywhere around you that you could go to if needed when your regular vet was closed?

My last vet also had no staff on site overnight and they do not usually keep pets overnight. They perfered to send the pet home and have them come back again in the morning or transfer to an emergency hospital for overnight care if they are seriously compromised.  Sometimes they would keep a pet overnight at the owners wishes but made it abundantly clear there was no one to monitor or treat the pet should complications arise. 

Let your Vet know NOW what you would like to do on spay day so they can act accordingly.  Maybe they can plan on doing your pet first on the days roster so she can have the most recovery time before you pick her up.  It's always better to plan ahead than throw a wrench in the daily workings of a business with an unusual request.

From spays to neuters to abdominal surgery I've never had to and would never leave a pet overnight in an empty building.  If you have to,  confine her to a bedroom with the door closed to keep her quiet and the other dog away from her.

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Re: Spaying And Overnight Stay

My kitty stayed overnight after her operation.  I think I'd shop around for a new vet.  An overnight stay with nobody there doesn't work for me.  What's the point.  The vet thinking that's okay is bothersome.

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Re: Spaying And Overnight Stay


    Leaving  comprehensive Vet services aside, and writing only of my city's "Spay/Neuter Clinic" for cats and dogs:


No animal is scheduled for an overnight stay following a routine spay or neutering.


Wonder if your vet wants the overnight stay because he isn't using up to date procedures and equipment? 

Or, maybe just wants to tack an extra $50. onto your bill.



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Re: Spaying And Overnight Stay

My vate of 24 years  recommended to take my dogs over night and bring back if necessary.  They do better with us than in a cold kennel by themselves

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Re: Spaying And Overnight Stay

@Foxxee wrote:

Find a new vet!  Money is more important to this one than the welfare of your dog! 


Never let a pet stay overnight at an unstaffed vet's clinic  for any reason.


When you find a new vet ask if the laser procedure is done.  It costs more, but it's much less stressful on dogs and they heal faster.  


@Foxxee  - I did not know about using a laser procedure to spay a dog.  I will definitely look into that option.

"Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are." BF