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           Hello - hello dear Pam Smiley Happy ahhhhh Heart



          I can't- oh no - never ...come over to your home if  the front room is in a horror state...ha HAAAAAA

Cray -Cray for me, too.

Sure do understand .. Woman Surprised  (really?)!


   The entire lower level next to the laundry room has every long rod hanger so full, if one more piece of clothing is hung, down comes Humpty Dumpty's wall. 

I have found ( and forget the two bedrooms) more newly packaged sweaters to boxes of craft supplies, along with books, a new boxed stereo system, scores of......... Woman Surprised again

long play albums- (remember those?), five new lamps, but unboxed 1 four weeks ago.

   A new ornate long table (in box), 'Tons' of husband's musical instruments sheet music...and one priceless premium PREMO classic car in the garage... that's for our son ~~ and I'm leaving that alone.

 OH,  ...... ++++++++++++ tools from his dad, my dad and POUNDS of everything that husband has and uses occasionally. There is a 25 ft canoe beautifully hung on the wall.   Yes, I understand. !!!!!!!!!!!


    Our son's home has three floors, w/ 4 bathrooms, 4 bedrooms; each room has not more that four pieces of furniture. He said he wants to keep it exactly that way. 


  Pam, we have been decluttering, now, for almost 7 months.  Now, for the clothing, also some of the furniture we do not need.


   I cringe !! - to have it 'just' given away, but I don't feel the necessity for any sales; people coming in to our home, looking, touching, traveling throughout each room.

         I'll close my eyes and bite the bullet, as I swallow hard, hoping for another family in great need, again. 

  Cute,  YES! 'E' will BE the puppy at breakfast. I know your husband is over joyed. I am -Yay. !


   We are fine.

   The ct for my husband was A1 fine. Another Yay!


      Sashay believes she is the princess of all living creatures, and loves this salmon Greenies brand. 

     I am doing great, in fact went to the grocery store last Saturday and carted home enough food for two weeks +- most will go into the freezer.

           That's over with -said and done.


    Many things I did not have, and sweetie would never know where to find those. He likes to go once a week for what I call {hubby foods} that I never get, or have delivered. 


    Ha, OKAY, your drug of choice/ shopping..fuNNy!


   Guess I was in that boat with you..? But happy with my handbags then, not too much with anything for `skin gadgets`, but definitely one particular skin line.


  The unopened lotions, potions were a try out of another brand that should not have bought, but I  'believe' I should not chance for sensitive skin, so those will go to a woman's shelter.


     Pretty darn & good healthy skin I have, so that has been my greatest weakness from age 15; my daily skin regiment. Also, the hair.


   Of course the products I have, now, were not available-{?}.. I think, then.

I never heard of, or had any opportunity to use.


 My skin has become very sensitive-out of the blue- around eight years ago, so the less I use, the better it likes me. 

    You have me on jewelry, I never wore any, but have about... the real- 20 good gems, 10 of the precious metals.  75% were purchased while traveling in different countries, the other pieces, gifts from my husband. 


        Pam, my only 'plan' would be separating different clothes into four large boxes, as I sort thought, then decide what goes and what may stay. I found that four classy outfits are necessary, and actually three nice smaller handbags, along with six pair of shoes- 2 for dress, 4 in sandals.


I canNOT

stuff one more oat in one closet, unless I use one of the bedroom's closets. All brand new with tags still on= 20+  I have one pair of boots. yippeeeee. 


  Since I have no daughter, nor, daughter-in-law, someone will hit the home run in a receive. I am still with the mindset of giving on a> 1-1 basis as needed. 


I have certainly missed you, and certainly hope that whatever you had, you are fine and almost back to ~~~~~~~~~~I Feel So Good, again.

 I am sorry that I am later than mentioned, but found myself listening to music while I doodled around planning smaller items in one place.

That can be ~haaaa~ considered somewhat decluttering. 


'Anything worth doing is worth doing in excess'?


 I'll be back with more to read, and leave saying NAES' cray cray is coming to a boil if not improving more than it is now. I always look forward to our adventures. AND HOW! 

@PamfromCT , with love and great respect, always.



I haven't advanced to 1st grade on that yet. Slow as a snail's pace. The worth doing, yet.

  Getting there.

Are you buying this -yet?  Woman Happy



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                    Hope to hear from you later- Monday. I have not been on sine the 24th.


                                                  And, here, the 22nd. 


            Since Friday,


         I have been on 'this'-am -pm.

what information is confirmed, _had_ been to now, locations, updates through other countries that I am following through a data base- nCoV.


      I know how serious this is, can be here.

 "...Never use alarmed loosely". I am.


 later, after I hear- read more.


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Hello my dear @NAES1, So sorry it has been so long.  I was waiting for some news to develop.

First, how are you doing?  I saw in P’s thread your lovely post about your son.  He sounds like he is doing so well!  You must be so proud of him, as any mother should be.  P is going through a bad time, just had yet another treatment.  Reminds me of ........  I try to get on about every day.  I think the thread keeps her going.


What are your thoughts about this virus?  I am really scared.

So many unknowns, and I guess I’ve gotten old - and maybe cynical - but I wonder if our country is doing enough.  Of course, I have no medical knowledge, just a layperson here.

What are your thoughts?  


We still cleaning out our FR.  Yup, a big room, 25 feet by ?

And full of books and books, DVDs, etc.  Just insane.  Bookshelves, a large wall unit of shelves and drawers, etc.  How I wish we had lived a simpler life.  Our tv in there died, got a new one, and got a new tv stand.  DH picked it out, as I stay out of those things.  Hours of techie talk, blah blah.  So I told him to go shopping and decide.  He did.  It is a very large “smart” tv.  I am so non-technical I say I am lucky to drive a car.


DH’s sister is doing pretty well after the loss of her DH this fall.  He was so sick for so long.  She has her moments, to be sure, but I am so happy she has so much support.  She is a good woman.  You would like her.


Until this painting is done, I can’t think of clearing out other areas of stuff.  I do think of how well you have done and get inspired.

We are seriously thinking about getting another kitty and have started looking around.  First, the concern over our age.  Our kids have said they would gladly take in a kitty if we could not care for who we might adopt.  Phase one solved.  Phase two.

This kitty would be our last one (at 75 and 78!!).  So we are looking for one several years old, in good shape, well-mannered and affectionate.  Well, it’s like the search for the Holy Grail.  Been to a couple places and find that some centers are not completely honest.  Imagine that??  We have filled out several applications.  

The very good places are so competitive.  They say they open at 10:30 am.  Well, people start arriving around 9, sign up, first come, first served.  Told to come back when shelter opens, so they get first dibs.  I do feel terrible that there are so many kitties out there with such medical problems no one wants them.  First, vet bills are very high.  Second, like you, we care so much and would do anything for a sick pet.  And that so sadly happens most of the time.  But to sign up right away for all that is just too much for us to bear.


DD and SIL had 3 kitties.  When they married, he had two and she had one.  Well, this fall, one of the two brother cats SIL had became ill and was treated for cancer.  Went on and on, and poor kitty crossed the bridge.  Several weeks back, DD’s original kitty got sick, turned out cancer, and he crossed.  one kitty left.  The vet practice they go to is quite advanced - and quite expensive.  They have a few specific “internal medicine vets.”  Also, a specific “ER.”  I normally mind my business but did ask cost for first kitty’s treatment.  $6,000.  Fortunately, they can afford it,  it so many folks could not do.


I do hope and pray for love and peace in the world.  I know you do, and many people we know.  But so much hatred, bad crimes, fears of war, threats of war.  I don’t know how many believe in God anymore, never mind try to live a good life.  I guess I am just old and need to be more hopeful.  Your thoughts.  I am sure you saw the case of Dulos from CT, with the mother of five surely dead, but no one knows where.  It drives me crazy.  And his mansion is only about one half hour from where we live.  In a place where many have huge fortunes.  Which does not buy happiness!


Love you, treasure you.  Whenever you have a chance, good to talk.  No pressure!

Love to my Honeybun,






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         Woman Happy and a huge Heart to you from me ``~


        I am very - 'Very' concerned. There is much not being brought out, also [IT/ "C"] ... ( ppl in charge ) waited too long by being educated opinion 100%.

   Dangerous. I posted only 1 time two weeks ago, and again 4 days again as a detailed worded {{agreed}} -AP/confirmed, the same as I read, then left. Another poster very early; I was right under her. Believe on the 30th. More has developed, now, than from that date. 


         !! I meant exactly what I said...w/o naming anyone; poster.

No one has any personal scientific BB chat evidence, nor personal smarts how this mutates. "C" 's death rates rise each day. 4-5 areas here being watched, and 8th case being guarantined. Another deal in WU. minutes ago. People are trying to pass through that WU site.

        Spread quickly...I watch the stats each day.


        When I was in charge / worked infectious units, I stayed all day in one area with one patient at a time.

There was a complete dress code from head to feet. 

    Had an in house hospital meeting on the 30th( nothing to do w/ this), but not one person through the waiting room [ 2Smiley Tonguem ] while there, until leaving; three older men sitting, only. 


   Have no reason, please not being in touch; I haven't been here for 3 days. I did find CareB, and asked her some questions. I was conerned. She is so sweet.


 I was correct. Not the group that had been telling me they were sending; reason I left. Just ( I felt)too much of a groupie H. school whatsoever. I felt as a grown woman, move on....time to read more medical at home, be more in contact with personal friends alone at home with alls, or contrubute more to anything other than the stationary's aisle card section.  _______________?  yes!


 Absolutely, hope this is not the same with..... as you have suggested. I am not knowing as much and that's fine...that also tells me a lot. Was not here from the beginning...all is not favorable in most situations. Kept her going? ummh, I do not get that feeling -- rough around the edges. 


Everyone should be scared, but not to the truth on everything. That, I do not like. Stay where they are, as everyone. Cannot leave to here. Should have been on top of this from the beginning. Apple has ompletely shut down, along w/other major big guns in economy.


 My biggest CARE (important)!! ...  is that you Haaaaaaaaa, know how to drive a car.


     Our TV is large, around 55 inches, but how smart, I will never know since I'm watching 2 hours every 3 weeks. Most of my news come directly from another floor, another time, and on a pc- or data base through instant read outs, usually from across the pond.


   Ha, I have very little techie know how running a dryer; I have never SET up any of the 4 PCs; but believe I could learn.... just know how to work one better than husband. WOOhoopeee. 


  What was THE heartache, is hearing of your husband's sister losing her husband. Everything just Stops!


   That I could understand. I would never be the same, or couldn't. Just too close and love connected.


One of will be the 1st...something he will not talk about. 


Pam, I wouldn't worry one more day about the painting.

It will come.



     I should let you try to make yourself present by going through only two bedrooms - and- hope that you make it out.

   Sashay actually got  (funny caught) between two boxes, tried to find herself  a way out through a zippered clothes closet, until I had to pull one side back so she could slither through and ---out. I'm not in any hurry, but certainly understand ``~~~~~things~~~~~`` not in total order.


      We have so many DIY boxes in front room that we call it the Sashay Condo City. 


     I know this: you'll be finished before me. I am still advertising, trying to find someone around 15yrs to help me sort through. Still boxing loads of just 'stuff'. 

                                     B o r i n g!


    Somewhat, yesss- inspired and .....lose it. -Zooooom.

         All depends how important.


          I need this girl [ HELP] ..  to jump through hoops to toss things over to me for boxing.

    I have to be able to reach three full closets with new clothes from 12 years ago. 



     We are __ ARE__ keeping up with the Dulos case. What a mystery, but I have my opinions already wrapped in a ball of wax. New husband, others (??) deceased.

The former husband, also??  


   Ahh, your new kitty desire. There are so many here, people are asking for new homes: as kittens free .


      Also, know the hurt of losing different aged kitties to mysterious illness, to cancer to feral w/infections we tried to save. Name it, I've been through, most.


      I know the cost of vet bills... twice... in two years with three costing ( including multi - visits) under $4,500 and more with their needed supplies.



     If $6K, trying to save any pet with chemo, that would be a no. 


 Back by tomorrow evening, or Monday.... more to tell. Will catch up with the rest. "yes, I will"!! 


   How I have missed you. You are something else.


Hugs and tight connections, always. I'll be here whenever WHEN  is now............... love 10,000 times. 



And, I am thinking of dooBdoo, lately~  I am not here everyday, so I miss when others (and that's a few..believe me) whenever on, or just passing through.  Smiley Happy



Praying for peace.

God Bless this country.

Trust that we find our way through this disease.


               Everything else is just pablum.


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............and quarantined w/a q... 


     did not know if I could say... @PamfromCT  ABOVE post.

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Re: Hello Dear Pam

[ Edited ]

Hello my dear @NAES1, Just wanted to give you a big hug for your response!  I knew you were an expert in so many things, and you do excel in medical knowledge.  I almost “blew the roof off” when it was announced folks returning from China were Q for only three days!  What?  Even I know that was

cray cray.  Nothing known about anything yet three days and set to go.  I guess that has now changed.  

That little Sashay is quite a scamp!  How cute!  Mommy’s little helper.  I hear your idea of hiring someone young, strong, and high energy to help packing up and getting rid of stuff.  FR  cleared now except for furniture (room is 25 feet by ?).  Painting starts tomorrow, and this guy is a jewel.  Middle-aged, own business, so nice, does great work.  He has worked for DD and SIL, who now want him back to do a bit in their new home.  Stuff is all over porch mainly and LR, too.  Beyond belief.

I will tell you more about my SIL another time.  A woman of great faith, devoted mother of six.  I told you of their son, doctor who helped from afar, but then another son, who is an attorney, helped her out.  One of her SILs works in the financial area, someone to give her trusted advice.  SIL and her late DH wanted a big family and could afford it.  But she worked so hard and has suffered some things.  I admire her so much!  She is very steady, and I am overly, overly emotional.

But you know that, my pretty and sweetie.



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Dear @NAES1, Not pleasant,  I will share about Dulos case.  As you know, long and nasty divorce issues.  He stayed in Farmington mansion, she moved to another CT town.  They had five young children.  One day, she was gone.  Oh, and he had his girlfriend.  His prints were found in her home, where he was never allowed.  Some blood in kitchen, much, much more in garage.  Hers.  Medical Examiner said scene showed a sure death.  Meanwhile, thanks to GPS records, he and GF made the rounds in Hartford, dumping her clothing in several trash barrels, recorded on cameras.  Not a good area in Hartford, cameras everywhere.  The main Hartford dump area was shut down for many days, forensic teams looking through.

Searches and digging in so many places - nothing.  She disappeared last May.  His former “personal lawyer” is now in jail, charged with being “accessory to murder,” unable to make bond.  Girlfriend out on $2M bail, charged.  Jennifer came from great wealth, and her mother has the five children in NYC.  She is 85 years old.  Jennifer’s late father was very generous to Dulos, who never paid him back.

This case, so close in CT, has been a horror show here.  You can imagine.  She was a devoted mother.  He was out on very high bond, and he was due in court because collateral used in bond (property) was in financial trouble.  That is when he made his fateful decision, I think unable to live behind bars.

I was at UConn Health Center in Farmington for a doctor appointment.  Site of UConn’s medical and dentals schools, and many highly specialized care centers.  Like a little city, and great docs there.  That was where Dulos was brought, got treatment for two hours, and then transported to NYC by helicopter.  The place was abuzz with the news, but he was being treated far away from where I was.  

A horrible tragedy from beginning.  My heart goes out to those young five children.  And all family members involved, especially Jennifer’s mother.  The criminal attorney for Dulos, not the personal one in jail, says he is innocent.  But I don’t see how anyone can explain the dumping of bloody clothing in Hartford and more.  

Sadly, this is not over yet.  















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                   I was going to close off, -stopped and talked w/husband. Then closed off. Doing some heavy in depth re checking. I am by the ones that knows, it's global. That's why I am back.

  I am more than concerned and wanted you to read before the painting begins.

    Heard that Singapore had maybe 1, now confirmed, also 1 in the Phillippines...though so, but now confirmed. Hearing this is a epidemic. It's traveling.; heard and know that Africa is hit with more. Next, India. 

  Stats: 300 deaths. "C".  A few days ago it was 50 deaths and soaring by this 6 hours ago, 10pm est. 14,000 within 23 countries- real cases"C" - 100,000.  ( you'll be reading later)

  Closed off  for anyone 

there -

cannot enter 'U" . Taking the ones as you know to I believe Austr. Total isolat. for over 2 wks util no symp. 

    As I understand 0 deaths in 'U' =here. So much that we have very little to know...slow coming out.  Yes, scared, but what can we do?  This nothing like the others. Everything is being sprayed. I didn't totally understand as in airports. The dry air, now and tepid temps not good. "C" has completely run out masks, but not asking for any from here. We are willing, though. <<  (???!!)  Apple is being closd off/ shut down for their employ. safety. Mentioned that before. 

Back as I learn more. 

Mass. 1. 'Q'.. and until I know of any more, I'll wait. 4-5 airlines banned to travel there. 


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Today is Feb. 06th... Just signed on....



       @PamfromCT , from Feb. 03... do not believe you read.   OLDER news. 


The patient in the Phil. died. 

I have 'NOT' posted since the 3rd, except to reply to I believe one. 


It appears that any new reported news, from what I've read from others, is always stopped. When anything is highlighted - at least leave on so that others can recheck.


   New NEWS:

As I mentioned: No vaccine- Spreads quickly- AND!

I have absolutely no faith how much truth is not being told to us. I know this country, >>>> there. Ever been there, anyone?    I certainly have. 

Keeping up as I hear.


I view this as my own educated opinion; very dangerous.


       My main concern is checking each day what the stats are here....Check w/ msn, too.


  Also, there is one updated from the 5th, I am reading HIGHLIGHTED FROM NEWS...REF: Cruise chip/ Off the coast of Japan, as I saw briefly a few minutes ago.  No country (in my opinion) wants any bad news reported - lost of $$s.  sketchy, but that is about all for now. 

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Hello my dear @NAES1,

Asleep at the switch, I am.  I did not see the notice of your previous posting.  I was very worried that I might have offended you with such morbid details.  Or maybe that you and DH had gone on a trip.

Yes, I am worried, worried about this virus.  We do have masks, Lysol, have read the CDC site, have hand sanitizer, stocked up on medications, etc.  We always use paper towels to dry our hands.  sure that you do this and more.  Any suggestions?  You would have good ones.

DH and I are old, particularly vulnerable.  And like you, I don’t trust that we are getting the right information.  Nope.  No random testing being done here at all.  Now, that confirms how ill-prepared our country is.  

I hope you, DH, and DS are doing well.  What a very special family you are.  Super-special woman!  

I do try to post every day on Pred’s thread.  She has been going through rounds of chemo, now with sores I her mouth.  I know everyone tries to be silly, which I can be too, because it lightens her up and distracts her a bit.  All I can think of is ShowMe.  I feel so terrible I did not post her much.

All is going well, except for the virus.  Birthday party Saturday for GD, turning 7.  And, the height of crazy, DH and I are thinking of adopting another kitty we met.  My heart is still broken from before.  Maybe one last chance?

Your dear friend,
