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Re: long shirt, short jacket

I like it, but am very picky about what I put together.  I will belt the top underneath a vest or cardigan, but no tucking.  That looks very old fashioned to me. 

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Re: long shirt, short jacket

At first I did not like it.  I thought it was unkempt, sloppy.  It has grown on me.  However I really don't wear it that way.  It just looks good on others, not me.  


I am still tucking in.  I am five feet tall, it I let it all hang out it  will reach the floor. LOL

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Re: long shirt, short jacket

I have always hated wearing tucked in blouses and tops .

so much primping necessary with it and it usually is not complimentary to my wasitline.I hope the style becomes classic. I do not want all sort of pointy , long tops sticking out but a straight one or slightly rounded one is fine with me.

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Re: long shirt, short jacket

I like it.

I think a waist length jacket with a short or tucked shirt looks very matronly and dated. Not flattering for most figure types.


The short over long look has been around for some time and I don't see it going away completely for a while yet. If done proportionally correct it is flattering to most body types-especially those with a short torso.  

~Enough is enough~
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Re: long shirt, short jacket

It took me a long time to come around to it but I like it.  But only when the difference is an inch or two and more fitted tops instead of flowly. 

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Re: long shirt, short jacket

Being plus size and bottom heavy, I do sport this look with my cropped jean jacket. I do not tuck in tops and mostly wear tunics, so bring it on! It doesn't look sloppy if you know what to put together.
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Re: long shirt, short jacket

So funny....took me a long time to accept the look, and now you're telling me that style is over!!


I still really dislike outerwear coats that are just a few inches shorter than the skirt/dress underneath.

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Re: long shirt, short jacket

I got a pedi this morning. The technician had on a very long flowing vest over leggings and a hip length top. It looked different and NEW...I am only starting to see this style.

NeNe Leaks had a long topper in her is another look:


Wearever long open-front jacket

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Re: long shirt, short jacket


I love the duster length vests!