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Re: Sorry, couldn't take it anymore

About the original topic - I don't mind the occasional story here and there, as long as the item is thoroughly described first.  The story-telling can be overdone at times.


Off-topic: I wish people wouldn't make generalized statements about the climate in California.  It's a huge state with many different climate zones.  A faux fur coat in San Diego may not be as useful as a faux fur coat if you life in the Sierra Nevada mountains.  In southern California alone, there are two mountain peaks over 10,000 feet in elevation.  Saying there is "no change of seasons" in California is a fallacy.  

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Re: Sorry, couldn't take it anymore

I have several of Dennis coats and jacket but, do not like this particular coat.  It made everyone look bigger then they are.  I will pass on this coat.

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Re: Sorry, couldn't take it anymore

erb wrote:


About the original topic - I don't mind the occasional story here and there, as long as the item is thoroughly described first.  The story-telling can be overdone at times.


Off-topic: I wish people wouldn't make generalized statements about the climate in California.  It's a huge state with many different climate zones.  A faux fur coat in San Diego may not be as useful as a faux fur coat if you life in the Sierra Nevada mountains.  In southern California alone, there are two mountain peaks over 10,000 feet in elevation.  Saying there is "no change of seasons" in California is a fallacy.  

I agree! Well put.

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Re: Sorry, couldn't take it anymore

My issue with the whole "Thanksgiving story" that JT ran through was how she mentioned she was at the Macys Parade, and ate at such-and-such a place the next day, then shopping on 5th Avenue.  Sounded pretentious and frankly made me just shake my head and walk away.  People do not care if you are fortunate enough to shop at expensive stores in NYC or whatever place you ate bagels at.  It comes off as "bragging" and "look-at-me". DB was there to sell his coat, and he is completely capable of doing the sale without these stories.  SK does this with IM on occassion, where they discuss where she ate or shopped while in NYC. Most of America could care less, NYC is not the center of the universe, and neither are these hosts.

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Re: Sorry, couldn't take it anymore

@apple1964 wrote:

I have several of Dennis coats and jacket but, do not like this particular coat.  It made everyone look bigger then they are.  I will pass on this coat.

Is this the $235 faux mink coat(platinum?)  I don't like real fur anymore but thought this coat gave a sleeker look than his puffer on earlier.  It looked like a good coat for dressy attire.

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Re: Sorry, couldn't take it anymore

I actually find Dennis (the Madison Avenue furrier) to be the offensive one in this equation.Woman Sad

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Re: Sorry, couldn't take it anymore

@jrose50 wrote:

All I will say is this:  The time for hosts to tell stories is NOT on the air while time is limited.  I had to turn her off.  



You don't need to apologize to any of us.  You did the right thing: turned the TV off and (hopefully) did something to lift your spirits and put you in a positive frame of mind. There are lots of fun challenges to participate in rather than let a shopping program get under your skin.  Good for you.

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Re: Sorry, couldn't take it anymore

@Luvtoshopathome wrote:

I totally agree with the OP, she just can't do one show without it being all about her and her family and the endless stories.  Dennis did not look like a happy camper, just waiting for her to finish her stories.  But then the two of them were talking over each other, which was a total train wreck.  I can't believe the producers don't say anything to her.  


I tune in to see and hear the vendor talk about their product and just for once I'd like to see it not always be about her and her family.  I realize every host is proud of their family and mention them at times, which I'm sure no one really minds (I know I don't) but it's just constant with her on every single show she hosts and it goes on and on.  It would be great to present the products for which you get paid to do.  I wonder how many people change the channel when she's hosting.  I know I could never watch an entire show when she hosts, only when it's an item I'm interested in seeing on the models.

Yep, just like the same old, same old constant complaints.  I will never understand why anyone would continue to watch a host who irritates her/him so much.  Life is really too short!  If you know it's a host you can't stand....don't torture yourself by watching.  You can see the item shown with a different host at some point or watch a video online. 


No one is going to change a thing by constantly repeating the same complaints.  There are hosts whose style doesn't appeal to me; I don't watch them!  I can generally tell from the info online whether the item will be right for me or not after all these years of shopping with QVC.


Maybe it's time for some New Year's resolutions?

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Re: Sorry, couldn't take it anymore

Jane just loves her family so much that she can't stop talking about them but she must be in the acceptable range or the people that talk in her ear would be shutting it down.

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Re: Sorry, couldn't take it anymore

Please, don't you think all the hosts love their families but they don't brag about everything and everywhere they've been or what expensive restaurants, trips, etc. they take.  She just loves to brag and I refuse to watch her any longer.  By the time she gets through her stories, there's no time to describe the product and it's the product I want to hear about.