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Re: I can't stop crying.................

On 9/4/2014 Beejene said:
On 9/4/2014 Perkup said:

Jerry Lee, I am 80 years old. I can easily relate to Joan's age. She was not "so full of life". She had heart issues (per her own words) and she chose her doctor and the outpatient clinic where she was treated. I am sure she had to sign the same papers that everyone is required to sign. And she chose to work right up until the night before she went to find out what was going on with her vocal chords. She pushed the envelope right up to the end.

We don't know what "went on in that clinic". To throw blame at medical people who were caring for her in what should have been a very simple procedure - to accuse them of medical malpractice - when you have no knowledge of the whole situation is beyond reproach. Joan's heart stopped. When you're 81 years old, having your heart stop beating is not beyond the realm of possibility. It happens to wonderful people every day. My Mom died in my arms on my 40th birthday just as the kids were lighting my candles. It could happen to you or me tomorrow. The trick here is to be prepared - I think Joan was.

Another thought - she loved to work. And she was blessed to be able to work right up until mere hours before her soul departed this good earth. I can't imagine that she would have wanted it any other way.

Please reserve your cruel comments about the medical professionals and your thoughts that "it should never have happened" until someone with knowledge and authority tells us their findings. Clearly you are upset, but to point fingers at medical professionals and say you are certain of medical malpractice is just plain wrong. God decided he needed her more than you and I. We have to accept that.

I live in New York and one of the reputable and local TV news stations said the clinic where Joan had to procedure is being investigated now!!!!! Good.

From ABC News:

"The clinic where Joan Rivers was undergoing a procedure prior to her hospitalization and death is now under investigation -- though wrongdoing is not suspected, a source said.

The New York State Health Department told ABC News that it has opened a "full investigation" into Yorkville Endoscopy Center in New York City to determine whether the clinic would be cited for violations.

As of now, there is no suspicion of wrongdoing and the investigation is routine, a source briefed on the case told ABC News. The investigation was triggered automatically by a complication during a procedure at an outpatient clinic, the source added.

Investigators have already visited the clinic.

There are certain types of incidents that must be reported to the state and the events surrounding Rivers' emergency was one of those, though health officials declined to elaborate what specifically triggered the investigation."

It looks like this is routine in any case. Does not imply wrongdoing at all.

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.--Marcus Tullius Cicero
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Re: I can't stop crying.................

I have to agree with Marien this can happen to anyone. None of us know when death will come. My own Father was a very "healthy" 73 year old still working and living a full life when he was diagnosed with Lung Cancer. I took him to his first Chemo Treatment and he had an allergic reaction and died. They did CPR and got a pulse, I could hear what was going on and I am a RN so I know what was going on. When they said they had a pulse I prayed and told him that is was to go. That we would be ok, I told him that he really does not want to go through these Cancer Treatments anyway. He died right there. I was in shock but now 13 years later, I am glad he did not have to go through those Cancer Treatments and if he had lived he would have been on a Ventilator like Joan. They probably took her off yesterday when they moved her to a private room. I think that was smart on Melissa's part not putting her through any more of that.
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Re: I can't stop crying.................

Actually I saw Joan and Melissa on TV last year or so and Melissa did not want Joan to have any more Plastic Surgery because of the risk. Joan joked about it and disagreed. I think this procedure though was necessary probably for her voice.
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Re: I can't stop crying.................

Jerry Lee, I wish we could cry together. - Bird

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Re: I can't stop crying.................

On 9/4/2014 The Bird said:

Jerry Lee, I wish we could cry together. - Bird

Thanks Bird, me too....Smiley Sad

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Re: I can't stop crying.................

It's a tragic loss to have Joan pass. Unfortunately, there are MANY RISKS during all types surgical procedures. That's is why one must outweigh the risks before signing off on any procedures. Joan was 81 and for all we know could have had other underlying issues that the public was not aware of. One must remember that Doctors are NOT GOD. We must stop blaming very capable Doctors with outrageous lawsuits which drive costs to the rest of us. It goes without saying, let's respect Joan and remember her tenacious spirit. RIP.
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Re: I can't stop crying.................

Joan Rivers was an amazing woman and talent. I am not trying to be cruel, but she was blessed with a long, full life. Eighty-one is, frankly, a ripe old age, and she was able to do what she loved practically up to the last moments of her life. Visit any nursing home and look at the poor souls who are out of it and wheel-chair bound. Or try explaining to a child why they have cancer. May she rest in peace and may her family be comforted. We're born, we live and we die - that is life. The best any of us can do is to live every day of our life to the fullest and count our blessings.
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Re: I can't stop crying.................

On 9/4/2014 Sawn said: Joan Rivers was an amazing woman and talent. I am not trying to be cruel, but she was blessed with a long, full life. Eighty-one is, frankly, a ripe old age, and she was able to do what she loved practically up to the last moments of her life. Visit any nursing home and look at the poor souls who are out of it and wheel-chair bound. Or try explaining to a child why they have cancer. May she rest in peace and may her family be comforted. We're born, we live and we die - that is life. The best any of us can do is to live every day of our life to the fullest and count our blessings.

This is so true! Though she could have had many more good years she had a good long & full life.

I too am very sad about her passing. It's such a shock when one hears about someone who seemed to have so much energy & vitality. Though it's more of a shock when someone is full of life it's better than slowly deteriorating in a nursing home. That is really awful but not as shocking.

I am very sad and feel like crying...I feel the same way about the passing of Robin Williams as well and I don't tend to get very emotional about celebrities. I feel bad for her family and really thought she was going to pull through. Joan will be missed!

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Re: I can't stop crying.................

Even after someone's demise ... the harsh words that are written here are unbearable ... can we all just get be kind to each other, and stop attacking. Please let people say their peace, and move on.

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Re: I can't stop crying.................

I was thinking how much I will really, really miss not only her, but her shows with Dennis. They were SO good together... Very, very sad day.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...