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Posts: 6
Registered: ‎05-21-2020

Re: No phone customer service

Hi Kim,


You may have typed in my email as .com but it is actually .net.


In my profile the email address is correct.


I will email QVCSocialTeam@qvc for a refund.



QVC Customer Care
Posts: 1,973
Registered: ‎06-14-2015

Re: No phone customer service

Not to worry @dancing 522queen I have refunded the postage cost for you. Please allow 3 working days for the refund to your original method to process. You are now refunded im full.

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 6
Registered: ‎10-12-2019

Re: No phone customer service

Have been reading through some of the comments here regarding the almost total lack of customer service via phone. Perhaps if there is enough customer dissatisfaction expressed, QVC will do something about the problem.....but most likely only if/when their $bottom line$ begins to be negatively impacted.                                                                                                                                                                                                         Attempted to reach customer service a couple of weeks ago - unsuccessful. Tried again yesterday (multiple times) and was finally able to speak with someone only after choosing the PLACE AN ORDER option and then being transferred by that representative to customer service. Let me also say that it did not take all that long for someone to pick up on the PLACE AN ORDER line - apparently no major staffing issues there!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     I have ordered from QVC for years on a regular basis but will not order again unless/until I am satisfied that some level of customer service has been restored.  Even with everything we have been and are currently going through, such poor business practices are unacceptable (IMO).                   

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,889
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: No phone customer service

[ Edited ]

@RealtyGal2 wrote:

@Hoping for the best wrote:

It is unbelievable that well over  a month,  QVC does not have PHONE CUSTOMER SERVICE any longer.  The phone prompts take you to their automated system which does not help when you have delivery issues and want your money refunded.  I made an order on May 2, due on the 13th and still is in process and not left.  Unacceptable

QVC does have phone customer service. I spoke to them twice last week. You must be calling them during the busy times. I don't think all the delays are due to QVC. I think their vendors are responsible for many of the delays.Smiley Happy


I could not get thru to CS, and I tried literally for hours over several days.  I tried at all times of day because I was desperate to get through.  It made no difference.


No one should have to work so hard to get thru to CS.  We all understand that times are tough and we need to be patient, but my experience was outrageous.  And apparently - going by many posts about this on these forums - I'm far from the only one who is finding CS to be pretty much non-existent.  No other company I deal with is currently operating this way.  QVC really needs to get it's act together.  Delays are one thing, but not being able to communicate with CS is another.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,889
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: No phone customer service

[ Edited ]

@horsewithnoname wrote:

Have been reading through some of the comments here regarding the almost total lack of customer service via phone. Perhaps if there is enough customer dissatisfaction expressed, QVC will do something about the problem.....but most likely only if/when their $bottom line$ begins to be negatively impacted.                                                                                                                                                                                                         Attempted to reach customer service a couple of weeks ago - unsuccessful. Tried again yesterday (multiple times) and was finally able to speak with someone only after choosing the PLACE AN ORDER option and then being transferred by that representative to customer service. Let me also say that it did not take all that long for someone to pick up on the PLACE AN ORDER line - apparently no major staffing issues there!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     I have ordered from QVC for years on a regular basis but will not order again unless/until I am satisfied that some level of customer service has been restored.  Even with everything we have been and are currently going through, such poor business practices are unacceptable (IMO).                   


When I couldn't get thru after several days, I just started choosing every option.  Either it led nowhere, or I got a rep who abruptly cut me off and said, "You need Customer Service", and then transferred me back to waiting along with everyone else all over again.  


I feel the same as you - I will not order again until CS is decent.  I refuse to do business with any company that has poor CS, and IMO QVC is firmly in that category now. 

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Posts: 41,616
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: No phone customer service

qvc support during covid.jpg

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
Honored Contributor
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Registered: ‎05-18-2017

Re: No phone customer service

@NYC Susan  - I certainly understand how you feel.  Other companies have been able to implement a work-from-home environment for their employees - so why can't the Q have customer support working from home?  It appears that they just shut down the majority of the customer service availability. 


Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,889
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: No phone customer service

@San Antonio Gal wrote:

@NYC Susan  - I certainly understand how you feel.  Other companies have been able to implement a work-from-home environment for their employees - so why can't the Q have customer support working from home?  It appears that they just shut down the majority of the customer service availability. 



It certainly seems that way to me.  


I had small problems with orders from two different companies yesterday (Target and The Body Shop).  Both were taken care of with minimal effort on my part.  


I've been saying this for years, but QVC really needs to look at how other companies do business.  

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,342
Registered: ‎08-20-2012

Re: No phone customer service

         Have to say...there are definite issues regarding shipping!!  And even worse issues trying to get to talk to someone at Customer Service!!  As many have stated, other retailers have been able to work through both issues ---  shipping and phone contact!!! 

        One place I had to call was busy with CS phone line, but I was asked to leave my tel number and would get a  call back!

And I did...about fifteen minutes later!!

        I tried Q's CS several times and held on for many minutes before I gave up.  BUT...have to say the mods on the forum have been very receptive and supportive!!  All my issues have be taken care of by that dept.  I do appreciate their help!!!

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 6
Registered: ‎05-21-2020

Re: No phone customer service

[ Edited ]

Hi Kim, I emailed your suggested address (QVCSocialTeam@qvc) over a week ago and still no reply.  I have explained that i have ordered food products several times and never had an issue and not one refund necessary.  However the NutriSystem back to basics product is not worth the value and the product is subpar. After trying some of the items I would like a refund for Order # .  It is advertised as refundable if you are not satisfied even if you tried all the items.  Please refund asap.  Thank you.

Removed ord #