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It's kind of early for this temp in my neck of the woods, ( NY ) The next few days will be back to lovely June weather , but yesterday and today reminds me that summer is fast approaching. How is your weather today ? 

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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Re: Wow 90 Degrees ! 🥵

It is getting warmer here in Northern Delaware- upper 80s.  Tomorrow will be in the low 90s with more humidity.  A front moves through Friday night and we will be back in the 70s over the weekend and next week. 

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Re: Wow 90 Degrees ! 🥵

hit 90, here in sw michigan. too darn soon to be this hot and no rain in sight.

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Re: Wow 90 Degrees ! 🥵

It's about 82 degrees in the Oklahoma City Metro.....

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Re: Wow 90 Degrees ! 🥵

@QVCkitty1   Same disgusting 90 degrees as you.  I'm in NE PA. Tomorrow is the same with more humidity.  I hate it.


The only saving grace is that is will be short lived.  Temps to go back to pleasant 70 and decent night time temps.

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Re: Wow 90 Degrees ! 🥵

Been 90 degrees here in Chicago area for a couple days.



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Re: Wow 90 Degrees ! 🥵

87 degrees in RI today.   Same as all our neighbors, we have a cold front coming through tomorrow night.  Our highs for the weekend is forecasted to be in the 50's only!   Crazy time of year when the weather can't decide what it wants to do.   

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Re: Wow 90 Degrees ! 🥵


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Re: Wow 90 Degrees ! 🥵

86 today in Southeastern Wisconsin! Very very warm for this time of year....We generally dont get this warm until end of June!

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Re: Wow 90 Degrees ! 🥵

I walked the beach for 3 hours starting at about 10:30 and had on a long sleeve shirt, a hoodie and wore a swim skirt.


It was a little chilly when I started out at probably 65*, but the sun is shining.  Lifeguards are all in sweatshirts with the hoods up.  People are in the water even though it it still cold.  Not many people though!


It's about mid 70s here now, no humidity and breezy as always.  Nights are heavenly going into the 50s.


We have rain in the forecast in the next few days.


Coastal southern Jersey.