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Re: Why Nearly 46% of Households Still Have Landlines

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We all have cell phones, correctly called smart phones, but I only give my number to friends. I keep the landline  for business calls.


My little treasure is an old fashioned phone, spiral cord and all, that I pull out when the electricity goes down.  The old fashioned phone always comes through, the wireless landline won't.

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Re: Why Nearly 46% of Households Still Have Landlines

We have a FIOS digital land line phone.  Although we have cell phones & smart phones, we still keep it.  Personal calls come to the cell phones.  Business calls on our land line. And my husband still prefers the land line, though I hardly use it.

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Re: Why Nearly 46% of Households Still Have Landlines

@jubilant wrote:

Here's another vote for land lines.  We have to have a land line. DH has an implanted defibrillator and it requires a heart monitor that requires a landline.  Even so, I still wanted to keep the land line even though we both have cell phones.  I can understand people so much better on my land line.  When people call me on my cell phone, I am continuously having to ask them to repeat themselves.  It frustrates me and I can tell it's frustrating to them. To my knowledge....I am not hard of hearing!

The new ones work over cellular. 

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Re: Why Nearly 46% of Households Still Have Landlines

I have land lines and even have them at my rentals.


If an emergency ever happened at one of the houses, knowing a phone is available whereas a cell could be dying, needs to be turned on, or can't be located in a hurry.


I will always keep a landline, my phone calls come mostly from the landline.  I rarely get solicitations over the phone---they come in the mail --- daily.

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Re: Why Nearly 46% of Households Still Have Landlines

I still have a landline and have no intention of getting rid of it.
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Re: Why Nearly 46% of Households Still Have Landlines

I love my landline phone.  The best connection.  I hardly ever use my cell phone.  Cat Very Happy

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Re: Why Nearly 46% of Households Still Have Landlines

@GCR18 wrote:

I love my landline.  I have family and friends that live far.  When they call, they like to chat for long periods.  It's much more comfortable being on the landline, than the cell phone.

That's one of the reasons I've kept my landline too.  Most of my family and friends live in different states and different countries, and it's not uncommon for us to have very long phone conversations.  So I often use my landline for that.  It's far more comfortable, and I don't have to worry about my battery getting low.


And as others have said, it costs less to keep a landline with many cable packages.  I know that I would pay more if I got rid of it.


But my most important reason for keeping my landline is that I've lived thru a lot of situations (9/11, black-outs, Hurricane Sandy, etc) when landlines were the only phones that worked.  In the future there certainly may be times when only cell phones work and landlines don't.  But it's terrifying not to be able to contact the outside world during times like those, so I will probably always have both a landline and a cell.  It give me peace of mind to know that I have options.

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Re: Why Nearly 46% of Households Still Have Landlines

@Pook wrote:

Like others have stated, cell phones are not that great for the listener and often break up and the call is hollow and weak sounding.  I don't want to have to be carrying my cell phone around. 

That's not my experience at all.  Years ago, I remember sometimes people being difficult to hear.  But I haven't had that happen in at least the last 5-6 years, probably longer.  I can't tell if someone is calling me from a cell phone.  A call from my doctor's office, my mother's landline, or someone's cell always sound exactly the same to me.

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Re: Why Nearly 46% of Households Still Have Landlines

@JJsMom wrote:

I haven't had a landline in at least over a decade.


My Fitbit is synced to my phone, so it vibrates and notifies me if someone is calling, so I don't even need to be in the same room as my phone if someone is calling.


I hate how landlines ring throughout the house and wake everyone up when someone calls early or late.

I keep the ringers turned off.  Since I primarily use my cell phone, I just use the landline for my own convenience - in case of emergency, for long conversations, if I just feel like using it, etc.  Everyone I know has my cell number, so there's no need for my landline to ring at all.  


Totally works for me, and has for years!  :-)

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Re: Why Nearly 46% of Households Still Have Landlines

@jaxs mom


Yes, we had heard that that was where it was heading.