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Re: What measures are working to prevent Homelessness

I don't think Q likes links, but one of "my sources" for the programs for the homeless is NYC's website.  There is a lot of information on it. 



Do the math.
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Re: What measures are working to prevent Homelessness

The poor will always be with us and we will always have a moral obligation to help them.   There are a number of reputable charities helping every day.  Catholic Charities and Lutheran Charities are among the most active.  I like them because 97%-99% goes toward helping others rather than to administration/salaries.  


However, the government is cutting help right and left.  The government is for the people, by the people, and has an obligation to everyone, not just a select small percentage.  And until people aren't so selfish, the government has to be in the business of helping the poor, disabled, homeless, elderly, refugee, etc.  


I always have to laugh at those who demonize the poor.  Many claim to be good religious people but hate certain groups of people.  No real religion would hate others.

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Re: What measures are working to prevent Homelessness

[ Edited ]

Not every homeless person is uneducated, drug addicted,mentally ill, or dangerous. We have a group of people that sell newspapers after mass. They are clean, pleasant, and homeless


One delightful lady,selling the papers ,was driven from her home, with just the clothes on her back. She ran for her life from an abusive mate


When you do that, you don't have time to plan, you just run for your life


It takes time  for them to be able to buy clothes, and a place to live. These thing are not magic, they just don't suddenly appear


In their homeless newspaper, people share their stories. Homelessness has many reasons. There are also many ways to help


All of the churches in my area ,take turns running homeless shelters, for men trying to get the last bit of money together ,to rent a place. (I live in a high rent area. There are lots of competition for a place to live) The men we shelter all work. They just need a helping hand ,  to get back on their feet. We provide them will a hot meal, and drivers to take them to the next church ,that feeds them breakfast. People donate new items, that will help them. My husband got a clothing  allowance at work. He used it ,and bought  new socks  for them all . He knew this is something men always need.He was able to fill a black plastic garbage bag , with socks for them.


There are a lot of ways to help, If you don't have money ,volunteer. Give something, even if it is just a smile, and kind word



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Re: What measures are working to prevent Homelessness

@cherry wrote:

Not every homeless person is uneducated, drug addicted,mentally ill, or dangerous. We have a group of people that sell newspapers after mass. They are clean, pleasant, and homeless


One delightful lady,selling the papers ,was driven from her home, with just the clothes on her back. She ran for her life from an abusive mate


When you do that, you don't have time to plan, you just run for your life


It takes time  for them to be able to buy clothes, and a place to live. These thing are not magic, they just don't suddenly appear


In their homeless newspaper, people share their stories. Homelessness has many reasons. There are also many ways to help


All of the churches in my area ,take turns running homeless shelters, for men trying to get the last bit of money together ,to rent a place. (I live in a high rent area. There are lots of competition for a place to live) The men we shelter all work. They just need a helping hand ,  to get back on their feet. We provide them will a hot meal, and drivers to take them to the next church ,that feeds them breakfast. People donate new items, that will help them. My husband got a clothing  allowance at work. He used it ,and bought  new socks  for them all . He knew this is something men always need.He was able to fill a black plastic garbage bag , with socks for them.


There are a lot of ways to help, If you don't have money ,volunteer. Give something, even if it is just a smile, and kind word



I have worked with a local Lutheran church as they try and help homeless men. The church opened it's doors and prepares meals and has clean beds so the men have a hot meal and place to sleep, and get out of the weather and especially the cold. 


They have been doing this for years. A guy I worked with would spend one day a week staying and he prepared meals and cleaned up. 


Then the township got involved. They did not like that the church was preparing meals without a permit and they said that the bathrooms and showers weren't adequate. Plus the township wanted the church to build a separate building for the homeless. The church was not zoned for people to sleep in the building.


So the church looked into compiling with the township. The cost was well beyond their budget. The bathroom alone, to comply with the township was $50,000+. 

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Re: What measures are working to prevent Homelessness

[ Edited ]

@drizzellla  the men are picked up at the homeless center, and they shower there, and can also eat there


The shelter is always very crowded


It is nicer for them to be in a different place because  it is quieter, and they must be able to sleep to get up for work the next day


It is sad that gov  makes things worse for people, sometimes. It is too bad  they can't either give you a  grant, do this, or come up with a solution that your church can afford


Best of luck to you, and God Bless you for doing what you can

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Re: What measures are working to prevt enoent Homelessness

Joblessness rate lowest in 50 years--just in our paper today.  We buy too much overseas that is produced by slave labor.  We should buy less from others, have less to declutter and create moreUSA  jobs to our own citizens.  That's all I can see that will be really more effective.


I wish the US made more of our needed drugs. 

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Re: What measures are working to prevent Homelessness

@fthunt wrote:

Your posting won't last the day but......50 years ago we didn't just dump the mentally ill out on the street.  There were institutions providing a home - food - and medical attention.  Today we're so PC - can't do that.

Not all homeless people are mentally ill.  I have a niece that is born very prematurely.  Because of the this, her IQ is not very high.  She managed to get past high school and got a job as a day care assistant.  This position pays very poorly.  She lives in an apartment in a poor neighborhood.  It's dangerous and we worry about her.  Several times she's been evicted because she can't afford to live in a safer neighborhood. She usually asks us for money.  So my husband has given her money monthly.  My sister has paid her health insurance.  In all her requests, she asks to borrow money, but we all know she can't afford to pay us back.  Yes, rent has grown alarmingly in the past few years. The average house goes for $200,000 to $300,00 etc.  And the safer neighborhood you are in, the more money is commands.

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Re: What measures are working to prevent Homelessness

We just had a former Motel. turned into an Assisted Living  now called a Sbelter of Hope for Homeless and others in need of shelter and assistance with other issues.It is Nonprofit. Our church is collecting good towels to donate. Our same church does a weekly dinner and a. variety of businesses,  churches and organizations do the meal. We raised $50,000 and received a USDA  money  match to remodeled the kitchen. We also now have a handicapped accessible  bathroom put in this summer. We have a long cold Winter. Warming areas have opened last year when needed without problems so far ,in Duluth,Mn.

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Re: What measures are working to prevent Homelessness

As others have said this is a complex issue.  In some areas it is affordable housing, some areas the loss of jobs or a certain industry, family situations, etc.  I really don't think it is a one answer fits all.  It is not just the government but local agencies that get involved in various communities to address some of these issues.  Also, in our area there are a few people who do not want help.  You can talk to them and they will tell you that is there life.  We can each do a part in some way if we choose.

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Re: What measures are working to prevent Homelessness

[ Edited ]

@dex wrote:

 I was a runaway teen living on the streets before there was any public sympathy.We hid out as much as we could so the police wouldn’t find out we didn’t have an address and put us in foster care for vagrancy.We were panhandling for money to buy food.I think if it wasn’t so tough to stay hidden and get people to donate money for food that I might have chosen to stay on longer than I did.We had no rules,responsibilities or abuse but it was tough to find a place to sleep at night and we never had much to eat.I think if people had taken care of us we probably would have continued on living on the streets as we were able to avoid all of the problems of our home life and whatever else we felt burdened us at that time in our lives.


@dex, I have been and always will be saddened by hardships which children such as you were and others have suffered. I have to say something, with no disrespect to you. I worked for many years in Family and Children Services and the legal system on all levels from street cops to judges.The police do not "put children in foster care for vagrancy." A person is legally a child from birth through age eighteen (through nineteen in some states). In some cases a teenager wants autonomy and manages to stay out of sight. Whatever the case, the police do not put children in foster care. Again, believe me, I am so sorry you suffered. I hope you have been able to overcome the experiences you've had.