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Re: Washington State Corrections Employees Can No Long Call Convicted Felons ‘Offenders’

I agree with what was written in the explanation. I really don't care which labels are used. I don't think calling a felon a student, if he or she is taking classes, is a bad idea at all. It doesn't change anything within the legal system other than maybe adding a dose of humanity that doesn't hurt the public one bit and might, just might, help in the long run when a person has done his time.


Yes, they are criminals; yes, they are humans. I personally am glad that we have advanced in our approach. I'm not sure what the poster meant about shaming in this context, but I'm not a big fan of it in general, especially regarding raising children.


I know that so many love these little anecdotes. It makes us feel so self-righteous. We can ridicule anything and everything that is labeled PC. But when you become so stridently anti-PC, you end up lumping together the trivial stuff with the important stuff, which leads to tacit permission to say the ugliest things and behave in the ugliest way.


We've all seen it in action. And it's not a pretty sight.



~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: Washington State Corrections Employees Can No Long Call Convicted Felons ‘Offenders’

@itiswhatitis wrote:

@Irshgrl31201 wrote:

@Lipstickdiva wrote:

@Irshgrl31201 wrote:

@Q4u wrote:

It has alarmed me and disappointed me greatly how convoluted everything has become. Wrong is no longer wrong, expecially if you have money and/or power.  Being right is old-fashioned and gawd help you if you offend someone!!  If you win at something, you are no longer special because everyone gets a trophy or certificate, no one's guilty if they're not caught and everyone can be offended at anything....and are!


Unfortunately, It's where we are now and although there have been some advances socially, bending over backwards far enough to accommodate those that shouldn't be accommodated has made our view of the world dizzingly upside down....


Convluted and upside down....  

It seems as though people think it is their right to live without being offended. 


I think besides this, the most insane thing I have read about the perpetually offended was University of FL offering counselors for students offended by Halloween costumes. Those kids are in store for a big jolt if a Halloween costume offends them.

For the love of all things holy, I didn't read about this. 

Yeah, unfortunately, it is a real thing. I couldn't believe it myself.

This is different.  Children who have others portraying negative images of them as a group is harmful and not good.  This isn't just for a stupid costume.  This is when racially insensitive costumes run amok @Irshgrl31201.

What is different? We are talking about college age people, not children. There have always be racially insensitive people @itiswhatitis and there will alway be. If someone is so sensitive to a costume, they are going to have a very tough time in life. I am not in the minority thinking this is ridiculous going by the comments on every article I have read about it. 

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Re: Washington State Corrections Employees Can No Long Call Convicted Felons ‘Offenders’

We were told by a school administrator that giving a 0%  wasn't an option. 1 of our most experienced teachers gave out 1% and 2% instead.


Gotta love it!

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Re: Washington State Corrections Employees Can No Long Call Convicted Felons ‘Offenders’

A university serves a diverse population. They should strongly prohibit racially insenstive costumes. Now, if it's on private property, I don't think they can do much about it, other than try to counsel the students who are stupid enough to engage in this kind of behavior.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: Washington State Corrections Employees Can No Long Call Convicted Felons ‘Offenders’

supervised individual? We had those every Tuesday afternoon in the middle school.  It was called 'Detention".

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Re: Washington State Corrections Employees Can No Long Call Convicted Felons ‘Offenders’

@Irshgrl31201 wrote:

@itiswhatitis wrote:

@Irshgrl31201 wrote:

@Lipstickdiva wrote:

@Irshgrl31201 wrote:

@Q4u wrote:

It has alarmed me and disappointed me greatly how convoluted everything has become. Wrong is no longer wrong, expecially if you have money and/or power.  Being right is old-fashioned and gawd help you if you offend someone!!  If you win at something, you are no longer special because everyone gets a trophy or certificate, no one's guilty if they're not caught and everyone can be offended at anything....and are!


Unfortunately, It's where we are now and although there have been some advances socially, bending over backwards far enough to accommodate those that shouldn't be accommodated has made our view of the world dizzingly upside down....


Convluted and upside down....  

It seems as though people think it is their right to live without being offended. 


I think besides this, the most insane thing I have read about the perpetually offended was University of FL offering counselors for students offended by Halloween costumes. Those kids are in store for a big jolt if a Halloween costume offends them.

For the love of all things holy, I didn't read about this. 

Yeah, unfortunately, it is a real thing. I couldn't believe it myself.

This is different.  Children who have others portraying negative images of them as a group is harmful and not good.  This isn't just for a stupid costume.  This is when racially insensitive costumes run amok @Irshgrl31201.

What is different? We are talking about college age people, not children. There have always be racially insensitive people @itiswhatitis and there will alway be. If someone is so sensitive to a costume, they are going to have a very tough time in life. I am not in the minority thinking this is ridiculous going by the comments on every article I have read about it. 

Children/Young Adults (American citizens) have to be told in 2016 why people are still mean, short sighted and racist?  Wonder why?  If you were a minority facing a multitude of social and economic issues in this country you might not feel the way you do.  You likely are not (given your handle) so you would never understand it.  It can be hurtful to be considered one of the less desirable and then be mocked for it.


Counseling is a bad thing?  Of course not.  Is counseling for drug addiction a good thing?  Yes.  Is counseling in any form or shape a bad thing?  Likely not.  Why does it disturb someone like you that some people want and need counseling @Irshgrl31201.

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Re: Washington State Corrections Employees Can No Long Call Convicted Felons ‘Offenders’

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Re: Washington State Corrections Employees Can No Long Call Convicted Felons ‘Offenders’

I am going out to dinner. I will respond later. I will say anyone that needs a counselor solely for a Halloween costume, is going to have a lot bigger issues in life and I would think they needed counseling even before the costume. Being offended happens when you live in a free society.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
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Re: Washington State Corrections Employees Can No Long Call Convicted Felons ‘Offenders’

[ Edited ]

@Irshgrl31201 wrote:

I am going out to dinner. I will respond later. I will say anyone that needs a counselor solely for a Halloween costume, is going to have a lot bigger issues in life and I would think they needed counseling even before the costume. Being offended happens when you live in a free society.

@Irshgrl31201 I agree completely with your statement. Otherwise you run the risk of ending up perpetually angry (the other guy's fault, of course), depressed, and disenfranchised. Not being all the person you could be and want to be.


Sometimes, ya' just have to put on your big girl panties and deal.

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Re: Washington State Corrections Employees Can No Long Call Convicted Felons ‘Offenders’

[ Edited ]

I believe there is more to this story besides names.  It's part of clensing them so they can be rehired for any job.  The EEOC may to be working in many areas.

Do you remember this story?

That came to light when the EEOC took action against G4S Secure Solutions, which provides guards for nuclear power plants and other sensitive sites, for refusing to hire a twice-convicted thief as a security guard — even though Pennsylvania state law forbids hiring people with felony convictions as security officers.

That story is over three years old but the actions continue today.