Posts: 44
Registered: ‎08-06-2010

Re: To travel or not to travel

My husaband and I drove from Maryland to the mountains of West Virginia to stay in a cabin which  had not had occupants two days before us. We know the owner who is very responsible, and even still, I took our own bedding and cleaning supplies - wiping down the cabin before we "moved in".  The cabin is furnished and I took sheets to drape over the funiture and made sure I poured boiling water over the dishes and cutlery that we used.  It was worth all this for a 5 day respite in the beautiful mountains, but it was the only place I could imagine us "going".  We took our own food, and did not stop on the way there or back.


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Re: To travel or not to travel

[ Edited ]

I can only speak for myself obviously.  I want to stay safe.  I want to remain healthy.  I am staying home.  My feeling is if I have to ask myself should I or shouldn't I go, I probably won't even enjoy any trip because of doubt in the back of my mind.


My city also has low numbers.  My mom lives nearby and she is a super active person.  She goes out every day which would be fine if she just wants to get out of the house and go for a walk.  But she has this thing about having a destination and a Purpose when she goes out.  So today she went to the bank to ask a couple of questions.  It wasn't at all necessary but it was something for her to do.  I have lectured her on end about the simple math --- the more indoor places she goes to and the more interactions she has with people, the greater the risk to her health.  JMO.

Wear a mask. Social distance. Be part of the solution - not part of the problem.
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Registered: ‎04-10-2012

Re: To travel or not to travel

[ Edited ]

Grandson rescheduled marriage

From last March  to August in hopes

that a couple family members including

us, his only remaining Grandparents could be there.

It would be a two day motorhome trip for us.

We want to go, at the same time have mixed feelings being  seniors and myself having



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Registered: ‎07-15-2016

Re: To travel or not to travel

I live in NYC.  I wasn't planning on going anywhere.


Two of my friends took off for the summer.  One to Cape Cod and one out to Sag Harbor.  They'll be back in September.  (One is in her 80s and the other is in her 60s)


A couple of others have places out on Long Island and will spend part of the summer (and probably most weekends) out there.  They are all in their 70s and 80s.


As far as I'm aware - none have any health issues.  


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: To travel or not to travel

@I am still oxox If you can drive from home to the resort without stopping to use public restrooms, then I'd consider going.  The facilities at the resort would most likely be more sanitary than they usually are.  Mostly the scientists are saying that all indications are that the virus doesn't live all that long on many surfaces and the the spread is way more airborn than from touching surfaces.


Even so, plenty of them warn about public restrooms which are dicey even in good times.


I'd probably take my own face towels and pillow cases; masks and hand sanitizer for sure.

Posts: 45
Registered: ‎03-27-2016

Re: To travel or not to travel

My sister lives in South Carolina and is planning on visitng my elderly parents (Mom 83, Dad 89) next month in Florida. My parents have been very careful the past few months, only going out when necessary. My brother, who lives close by, has been checking on them regularly and bringing them food, etc. He gets tested regularly because he is in the health care field, and is very careful to wear a mask around them and stay six feet away.

I'm so angry, however, because my sister believes the entire thing is a hoax, refuses to wear a mask, and will defintely put my parents at risk. They don't want her to come, but she is very pushy and has been known to just show up at their door to "surprise" them in the past. I told her to stay away, from them right now, but she just laughs at me and tells me it's all lies. Soo frustrated and scared for my parents.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: To travel or not to travel

@Dragonfly416 wrote:

My sister lives in South Carolina and is planning on visitng my elderly parents (Mom 83, Dad 89) next month in Florida. My parents have been very careful the past few months, only going out when necessary. My brother, who lives close by, has been checking on them regularly and bringing them food, etc. He gets tested regularly because he is in the health care field, and is very careful to wear a mask around them and stay six feet away.

I'm so angry, however, because my sister believes the entire thing is a hoax, refuses to wear a mask, and will defintely put my parents at risk. They don't want her to come, but she is very pushy and has been known to just show up at their door to "surprise" them in the past. I told her to stay away, from them right now, but she just laughs at me and tells me it's all lies. Soo frustrated and scared for my parents.

This is a very dangerous situation for your parents, @Dragonfly416. I would try to convince your parents and brother to make it crystal clear that they would love to see here but not until it is safe to do so. I doubt that there's anything you could say to your sister.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Posts: 64
Registered: ‎03-17-2010

Re: To travel or not to travel

Go and have a good time. The relaxation will be soothing...mental 

health is more important than other worries at this time. I 

I live in CT and say this with confidence .

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Posts: 8,354
Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: To travel or not to travel

@I am still oxox  I would say if you have doubts you already have your answer.

Super Contributor
Posts: 466
Registered: ‎03-17-2018

Re: To travel or not to travel

I have traveled during this pandemic, but I am 47 and healthy. Even with my age and health, we haven't stayed in a resort. We went on one trip where we stayed in a rental home, and one trip where we stayed in a cabin. Both trips involved outdoor activities as opposed to being indoors. If you want to get away, I would suggest staying in a rental house on a beach or something, where you can just enjoy being outside and away from other people. It is very good to get away from news and social media for a few days!