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Re: To travel or not to travel

I would stay home since some states are shutting down what they had re opened.

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Re: To travel or not to travel

[ Edited ]

@I am still oxox wrote:

We are supposed to go to a resort hotel in Coastal CT at the end of July their numbers are low too.


Have you or has the resort contacted you in writing detailing what precautions they are taking for their guest?  If so & you feel comfortable w/it, then go & enjoy yourself.


I am in N.J. where masks are mandatory & enforced.  Indoor dining is banned!

I plan on staying put in the So. Joisey area which is where I am located.


At the end of the month I am going to be spending a week at a casino resort-Atlantic City/Brigantine.  Occupancy will only be 25% .

The casino/hotel sent me a 17 page list of everything they are doing to keep their guests as well as their employees safe as well as a video.  faint.gifOne of the things they are doing, BEFORE you walk in the door, your temp will be taken.  You will be turned away if you have a fever.  After going through the door you will be given hand sanitizers.  After you check in, you will be given masks for however # of days you will be staying.



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Re: To travel or not to travel

I don’t know what it’s like where you are going. If the area is being cautious, would be easy to socially distance, and taking similar precautions as what they are doing by you, then it may be a nice getaway. If it’s someplace where masks are optional and there’s nothing but partiers, then there would be no doubt not to go.

What is the resort doing? I don’t think I’m going out on a limb assuming they are taking extra precautions. Go to their website and look up what they are. Look at recent reviews on TripAdvisor (or similar websites). Not sure how many days you are looking at, but I would assume you would not (should not) have anyone come in and clean your room while you’re there.

Ultimately, there is no wrong answer. If you have doubts, then you may have your answer. Are you going to stores and out to dinners already where you live? How different would it be where you are going?
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Re: To travel or not to travel

How/where would you eat? How would you ensure you could social distance? What would you do all day that would be safe, considering your compromised immune system?

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Re: To travel or not to travel

@I am still oxox    Have you discussed this with your doctor or did you decide to by-pass him and go straight to the experts on your physical condition....namely US?

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Re: To travel or not to travel



Unfortunately my MD is does not seem to respond messages right now, or it takes her a week to answer, she had given me permission to travel to Long Island but we changed our plans. I was not asking for medical advice and not sure why you think i was, I was asking for general opinions


@Kachina624 wrote:

@I am still oxox    Have you discussed this with your doctor or did you decide to by-pass him and go straight to the experts on your physical condition....namely US?


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Re: To travel or not to travel

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@itsmagic   @I am still oxox 


I understand. It is just too uncertain, there is too much unknown about the virus. I had planned three trips for this year. None will happen. I’m not even thinking of taking a day trip to Disney (lol). 


This is the The year to discover staycations! Or streaming movies, or YouTube! Etc...

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Re: To travel or not to travel

If you have a compromised immune system I would stay home. I also have the same and value my life too much to even think about a trip anywhere where there is a risk of being exposed in a hotel. Better safe than sorry....

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Re: To travel or not to travel

We cancelled our trip for September. I’d not stay in any hotel right now and it’s not about the bedding. The virus doesn’t survive on cloth very long. We were in France the end of February before the pandemic and even then I traveled with sanitizer and Clorox wipes. I sanitized the room myself and that’s not my idea of a vacation. I’d wait
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Re: To travel or not to travel

[ Edited ]

@Dragonfly416 wrote:

My sister lives in South Carolina and is planning on visitng my elderly parents (Mom 83, Dad 89) next month in Florida. My parents have been very careful the past few months, only going out when necessary. My brother, who lives close by, has been checking on them regularly and bringing them food, etc. He gets tested regularly because he is in the health care field, and is very careful to wear a mask around them and stay six feet away.

I'm so angry, however, because my sister believes the entire thing is a hoax, refuses to wear a mask, and will defintely put my parents at risk. They don't want her to come, but she is very pushy and has been known to just show up at their door to "surprise" them in the past. I told her to stay away, from them right now, but she just laughs at me and tells me it's all lies. Soo frustrated and scared for my parents.

I share your anger at ridiculous and selfish people acting as they wish on this. My mom died of it in April. My friend's mom died of it before my mother. Another friend's grandmother died. And those are just the people near and dear to me. Where do people like your sister think these thousands of deaths are coming from..."the hoax?"

No more words needed on that. 

Everyone, be vigilant, stay safe, think of others, do what's right for the common good. On the travel note...we're seriously looking into self-contained (eating, sleeping) campers, just noodling ideas as a maybe. But have been doing nothing so far...only occasional take out, grocery deliveries since early March, only just started to go to Fresh Market and only when they first open, for a few quick essentials. No gatherings etc. Numbers got better here in CT, but I've never seen so many NY, NJ cars in our state as this year (we used to be "the boring sticks" to New Yorkers (I know many), but not this year!...are they all doing the "required" 2 wk quarantining? Doubt it...the restaurants are packed, tables on top of one another outdoors, no one seems to care. sigh.