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Re: SORRY BUT - Deliberate snark or ?

This is very much like a dog chasing it's tail.


You can't *police* some snark, and not all snark.


Does that make sense?


Moonchild--it seems that posters/threads are starting to get to you.  (I'd always considered you a level-headed poster.)


Reading your post in the Mensa thread using words like 'jealousy, inferiority complexes' and accusing responses because of *past history/grudges*  (my words).


I don't know if you ever got around to answering the OPs question, but you probably took every one to task that didn't reply *in kind*. 


Basically throwing mudpies at the mudslingers.  What's the difference?


Oven timer is going off as I type so I won't see any response right away, and am cringing at what you may say!Woman Tongue

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Re: SORRY BUT - Deliberate snark or ?

Sorry but...

it's almost as bad as the posts insinuating we are idiots. 


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Re: SORRY BUT - Deliberate snark or ?

Oh, this brought back memories.  Anyone ever heard this................

Sorry, but you're grounded!!

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Re: SORRY BUT - Deliberate snark or ?

I honestly think there were fewer misunderstandings when we had the old emoticons.  There was one with an angry face, frowns, shock, and on and on I could go. Ones you could easily see.  I think sometimes it was eaisier on the eye and better than the spoken word.

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Re: SORRY BUT - Deliberate snark or ?

Add sorry to the list. I'm not a prude but, I'm not a racist but I don't want to be mean but. The rest of the sentence never ends well .

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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Re: SORRY BUT - Deliberate snark or ?

[ Edited ]

@Moonchilde wrote:

@Karnerblue wrote:

@Moonchilde they should finish it like "sorry but, I'm not really."



Definitely putting an "I", "I think" or "I feel" mitigates possible snarkiness - at least it would make me give the benefit of the doubt.  "Sorrybut that's stupid/ridiculous" leaves no doubt.

So for example if someone posts that the best peanut butter cookies ever are made with creamy peanut butter and someone else posts "Sorry, but the best peanut butter cookies are made with crunchy peanut butter" that's snark?


And how would adding "I think" or "I feel" change anything when it's already 100% clear who is making the reply? It's obvious the person isn't saying "Ellen thinks crunchy peanut butter is best" because if that were the case they'd say so. When we comment, who else would we be speaking for if not ourselves? 

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Re: SORRY BUT - Deliberate snark or ?

I think prefacing a comment with sorry but, is just a figure of speech whether you mean it as a dig or not.

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Re: SORRY BUT - Deliberate snark or ?

sorry but, i just finished reading all these posts and i learned nothing and got nothing from them.  a big bunch of nothing. 

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Re: SORRY BUT - Deliberate snark or ?

@QVCkitty1 wrote:

Add sorry to the list. I'm not a prude but, I'm not a racist but I don't want to be mean but. The rest of the sentence never ends well .



Indeed it doesn't.

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Re: SORRY BUT - Deliberate snark or ?

@Lucky Charm wrote:

This is very much like a dog chasing it's tail.


You can't *police* some snark, and not all snark.


Does that make sense?


Moonchild--it seems that posters/threads are starting to get to you.  (I'd always considered you a level-headed poster.)


Reading your post in the Mensa thread using words like 'jealousy, inferiority complexes' and accusing responses because of *past history/grudges*  (my words).


I don't know if you ever got around to answering the OPs question, but you probably took every one to task that didn't reply *in kind*. 


Basically throwing mudpies at the mudslingers.  What's the difference?


Oven timer is going off as I type so I won't see any response right away, and am cringing at what you may say!Woman Tongue



1) People are free to interpret my words any way they choose; that doesn't mean they are correct. I may choose to clarify if I think someone's request for that is sincere. I won't bother to clarify if the person is not sincere but only baiting :-) And yes I get to decide who's sincere because I'm quite good at it, having participated in discussion forums for 20+ years. Just because someone tells me I'm wrong or does their best to encourage others yo see me as wrong doesn't mean I am :-)


2) Who said I was "policing" snark? I have been commenting on a phrase that to me invariably denotes snark. Others have disagreed and we have exchanged views. That pretty much sums the thread up until you decided to make it personal :-)


3) You are bringing up something you feel you can "nail" me with from a completely different thread, to try and insinuate I'm snarky. Bwahaha! Straw man much? I've never said I wasn't. Just because you want people to think it's relevant to this thread doesn't mean it is. You hauled in all *kinds* of irrelevancies from that other thread that have zero to do with the *topic* of this thread. I should probably say "nice try" but it's not very clever, all told.


4) "Starting to get to you." How often I see this phrase used when the poster really means "I want to see if I can get to you." And anyone who reads that thread can make up their own minds about the posts and posters in it. I have NO worries about what I said there. Heh.


Life without Mexican food is no life at all