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At what point do you cancel a get-together?

I give a luncheon at my house every year before school starts.

A handful of my closest coworkers attend. It's a lot of work to prepare, but I do it happily because my friends appreciate it. Usually there are 6 or 7 of us. This year, for lots of reasons, we are having a hard time finding a date that is agreeable to all of us.  I just found out today that out of the 6 invited, only 3 can attend, possibly only 2. 

I'm wondering at what point is it reasonable to cancel, or is it never acceptable?

Any thoughts?

~ house cat ~
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Re: At what point do you cancel a get-together?

I don't see any problem in cancelling for the reason that the group isn't in sync about the date, but what's wrong with meeting up with just 2 or 3?  Is it uncomfortable without the whole crowd?  Couldn't you just go out for lunch?

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Re: At what point do you cancel a get-together?

I think when you get too tired and it becomes more work than fun.  If two can come and you still enjoy doing it then go for it.  It'll be just as much fun for you and for them.

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Re: At what point do you cancel a get-together?

When the hassle of doing it outweighs the benefits you receive.

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Re: At what point do you cancel a get-together?

@SaRina wrote:

I don't see any problem in cancelling for the reason that the group isn't in sync about the date, but what's wrong with meeting up with just 2 or 3?  Is it uncomfortable without the whole crowd?  Couldn't you just go out for lunch?

 The reason we get together, aside from being friends, is to touch-base and discuss the upcoming school year.  It makes sense when we are all there.  If it's just the three of us, it would be a nice gathering, but wouldn't serve the same purpose.

~ house cat ~
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Re: At what point do you cancel a get-together?

It would depend who was still coming.  If the 2 coming were my closest colleagues, I'd still have them over.  If the 2 or 3 coming were not all that close to me, I'd cancel the luncheon.

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Re: At what point do you cancel a get-together?

It might be a good idea to cancel this year and let everyone know it is because of conflicts with scheduling. If only two or three can come maybe you could meet at a restaurant for dinner and just enjoy not having to cook and plan this year. Sometimes things just sort of run their course and it becomes time to change things up a bit.

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Re: At what point do you cancel a get-together?

Sounds like it might be an idea that has outgrown its usefulness.

I would cancel now with the explanation that because of the difficulty of finding a suitable date for all, it will be necessary to cancel this year's luncheon.  That is what I would do.

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Re: At what point do you cancel a get-together?

I like the idea of just having those who are free, go out for lunch.  You can still discuss the upcoming year and send some notes to those who couldn't be there.  

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Re: At what point do you cancel a get-together?

[ Edited ]

How did you pick this date?  Was it the best date for you or was it the date when the most people were available?  If it was the date that you, the hostess, preferred, then go ahead with it if you want to.  If there was another date you could have done when 2 or 3 other people could have attended, it gets sticky lol


Edited to say that I hadn't seen your post about it being a meeting of sorts Smiley Happy