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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Cumbercookie13 wrote:

I'm left-handed too. In first grade they tried to make me write with my right hand.  Needless to say that attempt didn't last long! I've never understood why it was a big deal and it was considered wrong.


I always thought that was so horrible and am really glad I didn't get forced to change.   I think it does some damage, in the long run.


I've always loved being left-handed, because most people weren't, and really the only negative was that there was always only one pair of left-handed scissors in the classroom.  I was never able to get to them first, so I just learned to do scissors right-handed.  The odd thing is now that a lot of scissors are the same on both sides, I still cannot cut with  my left hand.  It's weird - I can try and try and the paper doesn't get cut.  Odd, that.  Smiley Frustrated

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Registered: ‎10-01-2010

Another lefty here. No other family members. I always notice other lefties.   I'm a total lefty, can't do anything right handed.  I read only 10% of left handed people are totally left handed, the other 90% use both for some things.  Yay lefties!

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