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I have never paid any attention or thought any different whether someone was left or right handed, even in school, I had a few classmates who were left handed and thought it was so unique.   Must say, they had the most beautiful penmanship too.



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Yep, us lefties are more intelligent, more creative, better looking...


Seriously though, although I write with my left hand, I use many tools with my right hand and am ambidextrous for many tasks.


My two older siblings were born lefties but the oldest was forced to write right-handed in the 50's.   

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I'm the only lefty in my family and my hubbies!

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Follow up..

10% of the population is..with more males than females.


Some famous artists:



Peter Paul Rubens

Henryi de Toulouse Latrec

Leonardo da Vinci (ambidextrous)

Vincent Van favorite!







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I am the only left handed person in my family. However, oddly enough,  a couple of things I do right handed are throwing a ball and bowling!




Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels here on earth to teach us to be better humans.
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I’m not ambidextrous, nor is my husband, however my husband who served 35 years in U.S. Army Special Operations used his right hand to fire his weapons, I did asked him why he did/does that and he said: “ it just feels right”.


I actually didn’t realize until thinking about it that I do use my right hand to slice, stir, and many other things.


Again, neither my husband and I are ambidextrous (i.e. you can do everything with one hand equally with the other), however in many things we actually use our right hand.

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According to my 13 years old grand son, you’re as weird as my husband and I. Congrats!


Yeah, though I’ve never thought about it, I do a few things right handed too.

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I never knew being left handed was a big deal. One of my brothers is left handed and that always just been normal to him and the rest of us. 

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@Malcontent wrote:



That might be it, but he may not want to spend any time with us after this: My husband went to a costume shop and bought two silicone eyes and we each put one on our forehead and sent him a picture saying:


Dear David,


                  Now that you know the dark secret that we’re left handed, we have something else to tell you.



               Pops and Nonnie


@Malcontent Awesome Smiley LOL

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I'm left-handed too. In first grade they tried to make me write with my right hand.  Needless to say that attempt didn't last long! I've never understood why it was a big deal and it was considered wrong.