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My grandson (in his teens) just found out earlier today that his grandpa and nonnie

(nonna is Italian for grandmomma, but all the kids call me nonnie) are left handed.



My husband and I are left handed and so was my father. No one else in both families is a South Paw.


My grandson is confused after discovering this. He actually said to me this:

“why didn’t you tell me”?




I didn’t think nor did his Pops (my husband/his grandpa) was an issue.

I think he’s confused because he has our blond hair/blue eyes and other attributes, but not this.

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I'm the oldest of 10 children but the only southpaw. My parents and grandparents were all right handed so I don't know of any other left handed family members

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It " has been said".."lefties" are very talented people! 😉

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I am confused as to why grandson felt anyone had to tell him they are left handed.  Being left handed is as normal as being right handed.


My mother and my youngest son are left handed.  My husband has one brother who is a lefty as well.


Most families have a lefty or two, even though the majority of people in the world are right handed.  There is nothing odd about that. 



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I was naturally left-handed, but I was "changed" by my mother and grade school teachers.    I am now ambidextrous, except for a right-hand signature.

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@Desertdi wrote:

I was naturally left-handed, but I was "changed" by my mother and grade school teachers.    I am now ambidextrous, except for a right-hand signature.

OMG ... this subject hits home ... my in-laws .. when my son started to be

left handed as a baby .. said .. you've got to change that .. make him use

his right hand .. this was a thing back then ....I  was yoiung and thought

they knew better ... WRONG ... now as an adult he can hardly write well

at all ....then I realized they must have done the same with his father as

his hand writing is bad also ....

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I don't understand why he is upset????  We lefties are good people!  Back in the day, in school they did try and break of you writing with your left hand.  It was terribly disruptive and made you feel that there were something wrong with you!  I remember my mother having to go to school and really having it out with them!  They changed their tune after that!  But they were always after me in grade school --- hold your pencil this way, not that way --- put your tablet this way, not that way!  Sheesh!  I was a somewhat nervous child to begin with and this did not help!  Lefties are thought to be very creative and intuitive.  Being a lefty is not something to be ashamed of!!!! Woman Happy

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Re: Left Handed People…

[ Edited ]

Did you know that 'International Lefthanders Day' is observed annually on Aug 13th to celebrate the uniqueness and differences of left-handed individuals.  My SIL is left-handed and very creative as well.

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I always heard it is inherited, my husbands dad was left handed, both myself,and husband right handed, one of our sons is left handed,i don't see the big deal.

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Re: Left Handed People…

[ Edited ]

I was born left handed too. My parents made me use right hand. My middle sister and I are both ambidextrous.