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Have you had a morning mix-up?

I had a tiny mix-up this morning. It's a first for me.


I will make tea (green or white) and also pour myself a glass of water.


This morning I boiled the water (so far, so good), set out the cup for tea and the glass for water (doing fine, just fine), opened the tea tin (yes, good hand coordination), dropped the tea bag in (OK, almost ready).


Water has boiled, let it sit a moment, pour hot water into cup.

Now pour fresh, cool water into glass.


Watch as tea bag begins to rise in the GLASS that I'm filling with cool water!


Now that opened my eyes.  🙄


Had any morning mix-ups lately?



[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Re: Have you had a morning mix-up?

That was just a small mixup. Imagine if you had poured the boiling water into the glass!

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Re: Have you had a morning mix-up?

I was frantically looking for my car keys this morning and dreaded the thought of my husband coming in and telling me they were in the ignition.


Digging through my handbag with my right hand.


My keys were in my left hand.

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Re: Have you had a morning mix-up?

[ Edited ]

Nope, I am a night owl and since I am retired. I am up very late and stay in bed in the early mornings most of the time.


I sleep through the wonky morning hours.


But once while in high school, I walked a few blocks to get to my bus stop in the dead of winter then noticed I forgot to put my skirt on.  I was wearing my winter coat over my half slip and sweater top.

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Re: Have you had a morning mix-up?

Daylight Savings Time (years ago): I overslept. My roommate overslept. We both were an hour late to work and didn't have a clue.  

Neither of us apologized or realized it until our co-workers went on break. It seemed way too early!


(For the record, we were still college students and in our teens.)

Money screams; wealth whispers.
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Re: Have you had a morning mix-up?

Years back when I had lined wool slacks I put my keys in the pocket when leaving the house and headed to my car only to realize there was a whole in the pocket and my keys slipped to the bottom on my pants which were lined shut.  House and car keys fell so I couldn't get back in my house or start my car.  It was a cold day and I had to take my pants off in my car to retrive the keys!  Luckily no one saw me.

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Re: Have you had a morning mix-up?

@Biftu wrote:

Years back when I had lined wool slacks I put my keys in the pocket when leaving the house and headed to my car only to realize there was a whole in the pocket and my keys slipped to the bottom on my pants which were lined shut.  House and car keys fell so I couldn't get back in my house or start my car.  It was a cold day and I had to take my pants off in my car to retrive the keys!  Luckily no one saw me.

OMGosh I got a good laugh at that one!  @Biftu 

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Re: Have you had a morning mix-up?

@Carmie wrote:

Nope, I am a night owl and since I am retired. I am up very late and stay in bed in the early mornings most of the time.


I sleep through the wonky morning hours.


But once while in high school, I walked a few blocks to get to my bus stop in the dead of winter then noticed I forgot to put my skirt on.  I was wearing my winter coat over my half slip and sweater top.


@Carmie:  Oh my!!! Smiley SurprisedSmiley SurprisedSmiley Surprised 

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Registered: ‎06-15-2015

Re: Have you had a morning mix-up?



Had any lately? How's 'bout this morning, but this is not unusual, and at any time of the 24 hour day.


When my wife is off Pet Sitting I have a few added things I take care of around our furry kids filled home. Things like litter boxes, which I always do, and taking care of feeding 2 of our 3 felines.


Anyways, I drink instant coffee, so I always boil water to fill my coffee mug. This is to make sure the thermos itself is hot when I finish making my coffee.


In between I clean litter boxes/let Lily our dog out to take care of business. Feed our other feline, who prefers being alone in our Master Bedroom. 


Bird food for the bird feeders and so on. After I figured I was I took my coffee mug out into the patio room, went back to finish up making some toast and grabbing a banana.


I then sat down in my recliner to turn on the news, drink my coffee, and eat my toast. Low and behold when I drank my coffee? It was not coffee, it was straight boiled water. Uh Oh! I forgot my 1 step to reboil the water and mix in Instant Folgers.


Yesterday I left our portable heater on in a room that is empty when my wife is not home. Electric bill, YIKES! 😯




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Re: Have you had a morning mix-up?

I have a troublesome habit. If I really like something I try to buy it in several different colors. The problem is that some of those colors are quite close, especially when getting dressed for work early in the morning without much light. One day I arrived at my office and realized I was wearing one black shoe and one darkblue shoe. Another time, I didn't realize a mistake until I looked in a mirror and saw one black earring and one navy earring. I finally wised up and marked my blue items with a tiny dot of colorful nail polish on the back of the item. It helped.