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I'm At That Stage In Life......

........where a good night's sleep is determined by the number of time that you have to get up to go to the bathroom.



Last night it was two, and each time my very full bladder would wake me up when I was in the middle of a dream.



I was like "Really? You couldn't wait until the dream was over, or maybe before I entered dream state?"  *lol*





I know, I know, no liquids past 12:00 noon! *lol*



But, as my mother used to say, it beats the alternative.

The Sky looks different when you have someone you love up there.
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Re: I'm At That Stage In Life......

I'm right behind you on this one.

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Re: I'm At That Stage In Life......

[ Edited ]

Don’t you just love this? Either stay up because you can’t stop thinking how thirsty you are, or drink l, and then get up to go, over and over, all night. Wonderful. 



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Re: I'm At That Stage In Life......

I'd have a very hard time not having a drink of anything after 12 noon. I'm thirtsy just thinking about it, lol.

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Re: I'm At That Stage In Life......

Heck, I'm up every couple of hours to go and am limited to 1-1/2 liters of liquid (including ANYTHING liquid at room temp) per day. 

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Re: I'm At That Stage In Life......

Same here!  Beginning last night, I had nothing to drink after 7:00 and I made it through until 5:40AM which is a vast improvement.

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Re: I'm At That Stage In Life......

I was joking about the no liquids past 12:00 noon, but yeah, it's just so much fun getting older! *lol*Woman LOLCat LOL

The Sky looks different when you have someone you love up there.
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Re: I'm At That Stage In Life......

I don’t mind getting up. I go right back to sleep.

I’m at what I call the Rice Krispies stage of life. My joints go snap crackle and pop when I get up.
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Re: I'm At That Stage In Life......

Glad you're not doing the 'no liquids after noon' deal.  Smiley Happy   Of course, that wouldn't be good.


As for the nights - yeah, I'm with you on usually having to get up twice a night for the bathroom.  


The first thing I consume in the morning is water and the last thing I consume at night is water.  But I try to get as much of it down by early-mid evening as possible and then just sipping until bedtime.



I freeze a bottle of water during the day to take with me to bed.   I don't really drink at all during the night but I usually feel a little thirst when I go to the bathroom so I take a sip each time.    I'm usually up somewhere btwn midnight and 1am for the first trip (I go to bed btwn 10:30 and 11) and the second time is usually some time around 3-4am.   


It seems odd to me that my bladder would fill up during those times since I don't really slam the water after dinner.   I drink about 4 bottles a day, which is 64oz and seems to be the right amount.   Every now and then I get behind and only get through about 3.5 bottles and on warmer days I might get through 4.5 bottles, so it's not like I'm drinking a gallon of water.  But I just figure the night time bathroom trips are unavoidable.  I definitely wouldn't want to drink less water than that.  


Gettin' old - not a lot of fun for some of us.  Smiley Happy   I told my husband one time 'it must be my prostate'.  Smiley Very Happy   He didn't really get the joke.   I thought it was funny!  heh

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Re: I'm At That Stage In Life......

[ Edited ]

I sometimes have the weirdest dreams about bathrooms 🚽 that will wake me up so I get to the toilet in time😜


It does seem to help a bit to knock off caffeine.