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Re: How much sleep in 24 hours do you get?

[ Edited ]

I don’t get as much sleep as I used to – maybe 5 hours a night, sometimes more.  I’m also an early riser so 5:00 am sounds about right to me. :-)  Just before sunrise I’m out the door walking for a couple of hours in a nearby nature park.  To me, sunrise is the best time of the day – so peaceful and beautiful.  I’ve seen some amazing sights at that time of day.   Walking is one of the healthiest things I do for myself.  It helps to keep me balanced – physically, emotionally and spiritually.    



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Re: How much sleep in 24 hours do you get?

Since retiring  about three years ago ,  I  now get up about 3AM  in the morning and go to bed about 8 PM. So I get about 7 hours of sleep... not alway great sleep but OK.


 This is radically different from my working schedule for 25 years of  going to bed at  12 midnight and getting up about 7AM. I use to eat my dinner very late.. about 9PM after coming home from work( I got off at 7PM)  where now I eat dinner by 5PM.  


I feel much better going for over 12 hours fasting after dinner and not sleeping on a full tummy.  I go about 16 hours of fasting between dinner and eating brunch at about 9 Am of usually yogurt and fruit. That holds me until dinner at 5.   I eat two meals a day,  no snacks, and only healthy foods low in sugar and low on the glycemic list and high fiber with good health fats and tons of healthy vegetables.


I am also walking 5-6 days a week for 45 minutes a day. Not intensive exercise, but, enough to  I hope keep my cardiovascular system healthy as I go into my 60's ( I am 60 now) and to slow down any bone loss. 


Retirement has given me TIME to take better care of myself than during the years I was working full time.  Less stress, better diet, more rest. 

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Re: How much sleep in 24 hours do you get?

@loveschocolate wrote:

@Mj12 wrote:

@I am still oxox wrote:

Not to be snarky but why would any one over the age of 12 go to bed at 9PM, if you sleep 8 hours would you be waking up at 5AM, wow. Not sure I understand.



Wow - what? Many people are early risers. We get a lot accomplished in the morning. I could never wake up 9am or later.

@Mj12, exactly!



Amen!  I get up about 3AM.... I do alot of things in my study.. catch up on bills, organize,  listening to news, QVC etc,,,, . I love my quiet dark morning time...I acomplish a lot!  As soon as it gets light enough, I go on my morning walk with my golden for 45 minutes... best time of the day with little traffic and just birds and nature. 

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Re: How much sleep in 24 hours do you get?

@I am still oxox

@I am still oxox wrote:

Not to be snarky but why would any one over the age of 12 go to bed at 9PM, if you sleep 8 hours would you be waking up at 5AM, wow. Not sure I understand.





@Beachy1 wrote:

I like to get a solid 8 hours every night.  I'm usually in bed by 9 pm.  Sticking to a strict sleeping routine is key for me. 


I don't eat after dinner, no caffeine past mid-afternoon, daily exercise, and not eating processed foods is just part of my routine. 


What's not to understand? Some of us MUST get up early to get to work, others LIKE to get up early. To get enough sleep, we must therefore go to bed early. Simple!

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Re: How much sleep in 24 hours do you get?

@I am still oxox wrote:

Not to be snarky but why would any one over the age of 12 go to bed at 9PM, if you sleep 8 hours would you be waking up at 5AM, wow. Not sure I understand.





@Beachy1 wrote:

I like to get a solid 8 hours every night.  I'm usually in bed by 9 pm.  Sticking to a strict sleeping routine is key for me. 


I don't eat after dinner, no caffeine past mid-afternoon, daily exercise, and not eating processed foods is just part of my routine. 


My alarm goes off at 5:30 every day. Some of us have places to be earlier than others or long commutes. I work for a company with offices and co-workers around the world and it's not uncommon to have meetings start at 7:00am, 8:00am, or  8 or 9:00pm.


I'm just glad I'm not in Arizona. My colleagues there don't have Daylight Savings time and often have to be in meetings at 6am. They usually call in from home for meetings that early, but the need to be awake earlier to be ready for the meeting,

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Re: How much sleep in 24 hours do you get?

My late husband would periodically suffer from insomnia.  He'd be up for days at a time.


I read so much about it, I could recite so many reasons for it.  


In the first place as a person gets old(er) they don't sleep as much as a younger person.  I have friends who have weird (to some) sleep habits.


I've read that sometimes when you sleep and wake up it's because you have something on your mind.  Many people consume heavy food or a stimulate and they don't even realize it not long before they go to bed.


I have a friend where he and his wife go to bed between 8:30 and 9:00PM.  Everyone knows not to call after about 7:30 at night.  Just the way they like it.  It took awhile for him to understand I don't like talking to anyone early in the morning, and just as he doesn't like to hear from anyone in the evening, I don't like to talk in the morning (don't call me)!


It is crazy (for want of a better word) to try to decide what is best for each person.  I have a friend (yes, more than one friend) who will wake up at around 4:00AM and doesn't go back to sleep (no matter how hard she tries.  


I told her if I did that every day I'd be a walking zombie.  Not getting enough sleep (whatever it is for your body) is actually very dangerous.


I have had 4 sleep studies done.  I, along with many, many people have sleep apnea.  A lot of old(er) people have it, but also some younger people do, they never realize it.


If you wake up and feel like a zombie all day long, chances are you have sleep apnea.  You can get a sleep study done in a controlled environment.


They put so many wires in you (head, legs, heart, etc) you'll say, "There is no way I can get to sleep".  But you do.  They wake you up at about 7:00AM and most people go to work.  Then they get the results.  It will tell you how many times you wake up in the night.


There are machines you use to put air in you to help you sleep through the night (if you need it).  They have come a long way with these machines and many people use them.


So, in conclusion, I would say to anyone who feels like day after day (not just here and there) if they feel very tired all of the time, go to your Dr and after blood work (whatever he decides) ask if he will support you having a sleep study done.


It could save your life.  Also, only you know how you feel day after day.  I've read that Americans don't get the sleep they need, it's supposedly an epidemic (that word is way over used).  It is important to follow a routine and you can re-set your sleep pattern.  There are many interesting articles on sleep disorders.


No one can judge someone else.  Period.

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Re: How much sleep in 24 hours do you get?

@loveschocolate wrote:

@Mj12 wrote:

@I am still oxox wrote:

Not to be snarky but why would any one over the age of 12 go to bed at 9PM, if you sleep 8 hours would you be waking up at 5AM, wow. Not sure I understand.



Wow - what? Many people are early risers. We get a lot accomplished in the morning. I could never wake up 9am or later.

@Mj12, exactly!

I go to bed at 9:00 to 9:15 to get up at 4:00 am to work out a couple of hours before I get ready for work.  Not an end of day exerciser.  Want it over and out of the way.  So by 6:00 to 6:30 I am ready for shower, coffee and news.

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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Re: How much sleep in 24 hours do you get?

@Ms X wrote:

I started walking about 45 minutes most days in January.  I literally have a home gym that I don't use:  treadmill, Urban Rebounder, and Total Gym.  I recently got that Marie Osmond bar and haven't used it.  I want to start using them. 


I've been successful at improving my diet lately.  It isn't easy because I prefer take-out food and lots of bread.  I've cut down on the bread and rarely get take-out.  All the best foods are said to be bad for you.

@Ms X, I hear you loud and clear!!

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Re: How much sleep in 24 hours do you get?

@I am still oxox wrote:

Not to be snarky but why would any one over the age of 12 go to bed at 9PM, if you sleep 8 hours would you be waking up at 5AM, wow. Not sure I understand.





@Beachy1 wrote:

I like to get a solid 8 hours every night.  I'm usually in bed by 9 pm.  Sticking to a strict sleeping routine is key for me. 


I don't eat after dinner, no caffeine past mid-afternoon, daily exercise, and not eating processed foods is just part of my routine. 



I am guessing you have never had to get up early for work.  I leave my house a 6am to get to work.  You would be amazed at the number of people out at that time.  I sit in traffic jams in downtown every morning.

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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Re: How much sleep in 24 hours do you get?

@Mj12 wrote:

@I am still oxox wrote:

Not to be snarky but why would any one over the age of 12 go to bed at 9PM, if you sleep 8 hours would you be waking up at 5AM, wow. Not sure I understand.



Wow - what? Many people are early risers. We get a lot accomplished in the morning. I could never wake up 9am or later.

Not to mention, what about work schedules?  Some people have to be at work by 6:00 a.m. or earlier.