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How I was censored on NextDoor

[ Edited ]

I was on NextDoor. In my area of South Florida my surrounding communities have had a rash of water moccasins in people's yards, by their pools, in front of their front doors, in the roadway, in their pools, in their garages. Water moccasins are venomous. Neighbors on NextDoor have posted a multitude of pictures of their home invaders. 


There have even been two persons bitten that posted when they were bitten. One person posted from the ER at the time of treatment, then later made another post saying her bill for the snake bite was $184,000. Then there was a post from a second neighbor that was bitten.


Ok, now here's what happened.

I had responded to the first snakebite victim with a response to the effect of "Sorry, this happened to you." I don't know if these were my exact words.


When the second snakebite victim came out that she too had been bitten, I responded with something similar to "Sorry you were bitten." Once again, I can't remember the exact words.


👎Believe it or not, I was unable to post, and a pop up, told

 me I could not say the words I was using to console the second victim because my words were too much like the words I used to console the first snakebite victim!


TALK ABOUT STUPID CENSORSHIP. Must be bots they use. With all the unbelievable things FB has been doing, they don't want someone to say they are sorry to a snakebite victim‼️




An aside to the snakebite story:
I've learned that NextDoor is owned by FaceBook (See below) and they are about to go public.



Notice to everyone on this thread. OOPS.

@Citrine @Icegoddess  @Sushismom 

@sann  @Jasmine19 @BirkiLady




I've been trying to find where I read that NextDoor is a part of Facebook. I can not find this information today. Maybe my statement is wrong and ND is not part of FB and never has been, but I find it odd that I read it was and now, after the whistleblower thing, ND seems distanced from FB. There are articles I found which say FB is trying to form something similar to NextDoor.

Notice to everyone on this thread. 

NextDoor is set to merge with another company. I found multiple articles about this, including information on Wikipedia, if anyone just wants a quick read. I had no intention of misleading anyone. As it stands right now, NextDoor is not appearing to be owned by Facebook.



This is an aside to the snakebite story:
I also learned from the FB whistleblower that FB wants ENGAGEMENTS. Engagements mean "likes" because it drives up more responses and then more ads targeted to the responders. 

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Re: How I was censored on NextDoor

I think it's best not to "like" on NextDoor.  I've done it a couple times and forever after I was notified by email whenever someone added a comment to the conversation.  I was interested in the topic but not THAT interested.


There's probably a way to shut off the emails but it's easier just to not "like."

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Re: How I was censored on NextDoor

There's a LOT of censorship going on all over today!!!!!



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Re: How I was censored on NextDoor

My "Next Door" is full of cuss words and name-calling

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: How I was censored on NextDoor

@Desertdi @So funny. I'm censored for not varying my word pattern enough when saying I was sorry to two snakebite victims but others can cuss each other out. What a country! 

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Re: How I was censored on NextDoor

@spent2much @Some of it warranted and some of it absolutely ridiculous. 

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Re: How I was censored on NextDoor

The posts on my Next Door are really weird and not at all helpful.  I am eliminating my account.

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Re: How I was censored on NextDoor

I'm  not in favor of censorship.  It was beyond annoying when Q mods removed interesting discussions. The ignore button was a better solution for those easily offended and less costly for Q.

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Re: How I was censored on NextDoor

I think it's a case where a few people mess things up for everyone.


I quit Facebook a long time ago.  It made me sad because that's how my friends and I kept in touch.


My high school alumni are very active.  I know I'm missing out but it's still worth it.

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Re: How I was censored on NextDoor

@Mindy D wrote:

@Desertdi @So funny. I'm censored for not varying my word pattern enough when saying I was sorry to two snakebite victims but others can cuss each other out. What a country! 

@Mindy D    The Moderator even got on a while ago, and told them to "cool it"........but, that didn't last.    I only read it now if it's somebody on my own block that's posting,     Sorry your "good wishes" went unappreciated.   Such is life (!!)   di

♥Surface of the Sun♥