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Here We Go Again - Hurricane Prep.

It's so stressful! So much to do to prepare, but necessary.


Stay safe and prepared our East Coast friends.Heart

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Re: Here We Go Again - Hurricane Prep.

Please stay safe everyone!

Better to be way over prepared!

Do what the officials tell you.

We learned this the hard way in our town, people thought officials were over reacting. It can be deadly.

Don't want to be a downer, but it is easy to become complacent.

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Re: Here We Go Again - Hurricane Prep.

[ Edited ]

I'm about 50 miles south of DC and we probably won't get hurricane winds, etc but it's been raining on and off since last night.  About two hours ago it began again and this time no signs of letting up.  Streets look like little streams!  For those ending up in its path, stay safe!

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Re: Here We Go Again - Hurricane Prep.

I can not imagine having to worry about hurricanes year after year. I could not deal with it.


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Re: Here We Go Again - Hurricane Prep.

@SeaMaiden You get used to it I think. Or move. 

Keepin' it real.
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Re: Here We Go Again - Hurricane Prep.

Thank goodness there are no hurricanes in New Mexico.  We do occasionally get some rain from those in the Gulf of California, but that's a blessing.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Here We Go Again - Hurricane Prep.

@esmerelda- You don't ever get used to it. It just comes with the territory. You do what has to be done first - hurricane shutters (which I did this morning), laundry, pack animals GO bags, etc. After awhile, it doesn't take as long as you think because you just pack necessary items.

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Re: Here We Go Again - Hurricane Prep.

@Financialgrl wrote:

I'm about 50 miles south of DC and we probably won't get hurricane winds, etc but it's been raining on and off since last night.  About two hours ago it began again and this time no signs of letting up.  Streets look like little streams!  For those ending up in its path, stay safe!

We live across the Potomac from DC and have been getting steady rain since Friday night. I doubt we’ll get the high winds, but it doesn’t take much for trees to uproot because the ground’s so saturated. DH and I went to the farmers market in Arlington this morning and only about half the farmers were there. Luckily, my 2 favorites were there. The gurgling little steam that runs beside the jogging path near our street looked like a white water river this morning. Two large trees had keeled over into the stream. The storm drains have started backing up, so drivers have to be careful about hydroplaning. Most of the rain’s coming from the Northwest with the hurricane due to hit later this week. Our kitchen’s all electric, so I’ll be sure to get water and plenty of foods that don’t need to be cooked. As another poster put it, better to be over-prepared than to run short. 

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Re: Here We Go Again - Hurricane Prep.

I live in central Florida.  Last September, Hurricane IRMA passed right over our area, in the middle of the night, of course.  I think it was just a category 1 by that point.  But that was scary enough.  Some of the screens over our screened in pool blew out, but there was no other damage, thankfully.


This is the time of year for all the hurricanes to crank up.  I don't want anyone to be hit, but I can't help but be grateful that this one coming will miss us.  There may be others behind it though that will get us.  Best to be prepared.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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Re: Here We Go Again - Hurricane Prep.

[ Edited ]

Yes, I was affected by Hurricane Matthew and Irma and it is no joke. Stay safe, charge your phone, etc. I kept charged 4 portable charges before the storm to keep my phone going. Both years I lost power for 5 days. The heat and mess was unbelievable. It is hard to get food, gas and water after the storm. Please keep lots of cash on hand because once the storm is over there is a very good chance the card machines in stores, restaurants will not work. Get out of harms way until you can come back. Take your pets with you, insurance papers, birth certificate, ID's etc. Please stay safe and well, praying the storm shifts out of harms way.