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She has refused to take any mental testing,and help while in there, this makes no sense.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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It is truly appalling-  Elizabeth has shown such courage and resilience, my heart breaks for her. I wish there was something that could be done, another frustrating situation to add to the list...

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I'm reading the state did not honor her plea deal and she would have been already eligible for parole.  

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@goldensrbest wrote:

She has refused to take any mental testing,and help while in there, this makes no sense.

I'd already forgot about that. That fact just makes this even more bizarre.

And she will be going to live somewhere.

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@millieshops wrote:

Anyone remember enough of the details of why her sentence was so different from that of the man?  If she'd had his sentence to begin with, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

The prosecution used some of the information she provided  for the charges against the man,  secondly Barzee hinted she may use a battered woman's defense against her own charges.

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My personal opinion is that Wanda doesn't even want to be released.  She has no where to go, her family won't take her in, she can't support herself.  In prison she was taken care of and felt safe.  She knows that life is going to be very difficult for her and that people hate her.  Her every move is going to be monitored.  Statistics show that one in every five parolees end up back in prison.  I think she will be one of those.  She will be watched so closely that if she sneezes wrong they will get her for violation of release.

The Smart family is powerful in the community and will make enough noise that they won't be ignored.

BTW, Elizabeth is pregnant with her third child.

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@SydneyH wrote:

I'm reading the state did not honor her plea deal and she would have been already eligible for parole.  

She did have a parole hearing and parole was denied.

She did not appear for her own hearing.

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@Scooby Doo wrote:

My personal opinion is that Wanda doesn't even want to be released.  She has no where to go, her family won't take her in, she can't support herself.  In prison she was taken care of and felt safe.  She knows that life is going to be very difficult for her and that people hate her.  Her every move is going to be monitored.  Statistics show that one in every five parolees end up back in prison.  I think she will be one of those.  She will be watched so closely that if she sneezes wrong they will get her for violation of release.

The Smart family is powerful in the community and will make enough noise that they won't be ignored.

BTW, Elizabeth is pregnant with her third child.

Unfortunately, for Elizabeth and her family, all the power and money didn't keep Elizabeth safe then and can someone really be watched 24/7? Whether we are talking about Wanda, or keeping Elizabeth and her family safe?

I feel no sympathy for Wanda.

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@millieshops wrote:

Anyone remember enough of the details of why her sentence was so different from that of the man?  If she'd had his sentence to begin with, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Barzee pled guilty to lesser charges that the prosecution presented.  A plea deal was accepted.  Mitchell refused to cooperate and went to trial.  He refused to cooperate with his lawyers.  He proved himself looney toones.  He would burst out singing in the court room so many times that the judge banned him from the coutroom.

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@SydneyHTY  I suspected as much, but I asked my question because I  had no recollection of an uproar about the original sentence.    If that sentence was based on her co-operation and was a plea deal prosecutors accepted at the time, I do understand the shorter sentence. 


Still not sure she doesn't owe at least another year even given the plea, but I assume that depends on exact dates and details of the wording.   I want her companion never to walk free - I'm not that forgiving!


Have to say I admire Smart for the life she has built since her ordeal.  Powerful.