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Re: Duke of Sussex Going to Visit Grandma Elizabeth

@Venezia. I have stated many times here things I have heard from their own mouths (such as the ITV interview from S. Africa and made comments about their own actions. These things are indisputable and you are just choosing to ignore them. I do not have to know these two personally nor presume anything. The record straight from the two themselves is out there.

And speaking of the ITV interview where poor Meghan whined about no one asking her if she was OK, at her latest teleconference she and H justified that public whining by saying she was breastfeeding Archie and very tired. More hypocrisy. This is Meghan-the-women-empowerer using breastfeeding as an excuse for whining about her life-as-princess among the poorest people on earth. Sorry, I have zero tolerance for hypocrites.
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Re: Duke of Sussex Going to Visit Grandma Elizabeth

[ Edited ]

@Pearlee - That still doesn't justify the broad, sweeping generalizations and the extremes some people take things to - imputing motives that they can't possibly know.


We can all form an opinion of someone based on his/her actual words in live interviews or perhaps from a book written by that person.


However, that's just an opinion.  Saying that Harry's trip to England is a tax scam (for example), is a bridge too far.  These threads always spiral down the rabbit hole.  IMO.

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Re: Duke of Sussex Going to Visit Grandma Elizabeth

The use of tax scam was a poor choice of words.  He is subject to US taxes if he stays more than 183 days per US Tax code due to the Visa he holds. So he must return to England before the 183 days expire. Meghan is an American citizen,only, so she is subject to US taxes on her income.  Questions have been raised if the income they both received while performing Royal Duties would expose  that income to be subject to US taxes as well.  No ruling has been reported as yet.  It raises questions for me regarding the payment from Netflix.Was the payment in both names. only her name or was it payable to a Corporation?  The answer would affect the liability for US taxes. Yes, I work with numbers!!!

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Re: Duke of Sussex Going to Visit Grandma Elizabeth

My wise mother would rarely opine or criticize about things of this nature but always would say, "actions speak louder than words"!

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Re: Duke of Sussex Going to Visit Grandma Elizabeth

@Venezia. Well of course I am only posting an opinion of them. As we all are. My opinion has been formed by their own actions and words.
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Re: Duke of Sussex Going to Visit Grandma Elizabeth

Hope grandma ma keeps in memory, life is short.  It's precious too.

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Re: Duke of Sussex Going to Visit Grandma Elizabeth

@Pearlee wrote:
@RoughDraft. Your second sentence negates your first. There is no reason to think anyone is "more invested" in British royalty due to the reason you have already acknowledged.



@Pearlee I never said anyone was more invested in British Royalty.  I merely stated that we are not permitted to discuss the other matter on this forum.  



~The only difference between this place and the Titanic is that the Titanic had a band.~
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Re: Duke of Sussex Going to Visit Grandma Elizabeth

@RoughDraft. Well you did in your first sentence if your post, which now appears to be gone.
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Re: Duke of Sussex Going to Visit Grandma Elizabeth

@Pearlee wrote:
@RoughDraft. Well you did in your first sentence if your post, which now appears to be gone.



How about that!  Woman LOL

~The only difference between this place and the Titanic is that the Titanic had a band.~
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Re: Duke of Sussex Going to Visit Grandma Elizabeth

@RoughDraft wrote:

@Pearlee wrote:
@RoughDraft. Well you did in your first sentence if your post, which now appears to be gone.



How about that!  Woman LOL

It's magic, I tell you, absolute magic! @RoughDraft. But you're in good company, if I don't say so myself. Heart

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland