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Drinking from plastic water bottles

[ Edited ]

Do you drink bottled water or from the tap?  I wrote the other day about my severe hydration.  Currently I'm drinking Nestle Pure Life water from plastic bottles and I'm kinda concerned about that.  I do have a Pur filtration system, but our water source where I live has been questioned at times and I'm not sure which would be best for me  Bottle or tap?  Any suggestions?  TIA folks!

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Re: Drinking from plastic water bottles

i dont drink tap water.

i only drink water from a bottle.....FIJI preferred, but do have a few other brands that i like.

even for my coffee i use bottled water.

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Re: Drinking from plastic water bottles

I have a two stage under the sink filtration system in my kitchen.  So I can drink clean water with no bacteria, cysts  or chlorine etc.  I hate people buying water in plastic and all the plastic that has to be produced for the bottles.  So dumb!

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Re: Drinking from plastic water bottles

[ Edited ]

Pellegrino in glass....I buy in bulk when on sale at Sam's Club or Costco.  I also do a lot of organic juicing and eat a lot of organic water rich produce so I'm always extra hydrated.  (This morning I'm getting ready to juice orange, grapefruit, lemon, and celery for breakfast....yums!)


I do use the plastic gallon size (come in twos at Sam's) for cooking water and final rinse on produce.

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Re: Drinking from plastic water bottles

We have very hard water in this area. I can tell from seeing the constant buildup on my faucets that it wouldn't take long to get my innards totally clogged with residue if I drank that stuff.  I don't even make ice cubes with it; I buy bags of ice.  I usually drink Ice Mountain or Pure Life, but prefer Aquafina if I can get it on sale.

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Re: Drinking from plastic water bottles

I only drink bottled water.  You can get gallons in cases from Costco or Sam's.

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Re: Drinking from plastic water bottles

We have the Hinckley water cooler in our house. Best decision ever made..Will fill up reusable bottles to go. The cold filtered water makes the best coffee too.  

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Re: Drinking from plastic water bottles

I drink water from my tap, unfiltered. Colorado has some of the cleanest water in the nation and I'm very thankful for that.Woman Happy

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Re: Drinking from plastic water bottles

I drink bottled water every single day.  We have algae bloom in our public water source this time of year, which makes our tap water smell funky, so we never drink water from the faucets.   I buy gallon jugs of water to make tea daily.    I do not overthink drinking out of a plastic bottle.   

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Re: Drinking from plastic water bottles

We have a water cooler at home.  I never drink from the tap.   


I drink bottled water, LaCroix, and San Pelligrino.