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Re: Dogs in the grocery store

@ValuSkr wrote:

I agree with the OP.  No way will I shop in a store, or dine in a restaurant, that allows dogs - aside from the occasional seeing eye dog.

@ValuSkr  If you could only see what is going on in the kitchen of alot of these places.........a dog doesn't seem that bad now, does it??

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Re: Dogs in the grocery store

dogs I don't mind if their kept in the carriage, but if people are worried about terms, what annoys me are people who grocery shop in their scrubs after leaving hospitals. he people that work in the medical profession should be changing before they leave work. these professionals are exposing so many germs outside and surprised really they don't realize it.

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Re: Dogs in the grocery store

sorry for the misspellings but I think you get my drift.

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Re: Dogs in the grocery store

@willomenia wrote:

dogs I don't mind if their kept in the carriage, but if people are worried about terms, what annoys me are people who grocery shop in their scrubs after leaving hospitals. he people that work in the medical profession should be changing before they leave work. these professionals are exposing so many germs outside and surprised really they don't realize it.




A great many people who wear scrubs don't get anywhere near germs - and those that do change into clean ones. It's not like somebody bleeds on them and they wear blood-stained scrubs to the market after work. Nurses and techs usually change into street clothes before they leave work. Many people you see wearing scrubs work the front desk at the vet's office or the doctor's office and don't have any more germs on their clothes than anyone else who comes into the office.

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Re: Dogs in the grocery store

@151949 wrote:

I wonder how you all would feel about this if you were allergic to dogs and could not go to the store to get your groceries without having an asthma attack??? 


@151949  I wouldn't worry about it because I have my choice of grocery stores to shop at and not all them allow dogs so the question is moot!


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Re: Dogs in the grocery store

@Noel7 wrote:

Dogs In The Grocery Store could be a sequel to Snakes On A Plane.


Sorry, I had to get that out of my system, I've been holding it in all day.

LOL Smiley LOL

You Don't Own Me- Leslie Gore
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Re: Dogs in the grocery store

Some towns are more dog friendly than others.  In Palo Alto I see dogs in the stores all the time.  Macy's, Neimans the stores and some cafes.  Where I live I have seen small dogs contained in bags or blankets in the grocery store once in a while, but this lis a new occurrence for our town.  It doesn't really bother me because it sort of brings joy when I see them.. But I could imagine some people are afraid of dogs.  I have a friend who goes into a panic when she sees a dog.

as far as cleanliness, I imagine the pups are cleaner than some of the people in the stores!  I love to see service dogs anywhere, they are a great interest to me and I love to see them work.


Now what I would like to know, is why we don't see more cats in the stores!  HMMMM, COULD IT BE THE DELIGHTFUL CRITTERS ARE A LITTLE HARD TO STUFF IN THOSE CUTE BAGS.  Lol. Oh yeah!  I can just see my Sushi sitting in a cart at the store right now, hahahahha ppppffffiitttt. Phhhhiiittt. Spit 😼😺😺🙀😹

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Re: Dogs in the grocery store

@MalteseMomma wrote:

@sunshine 919 wrote:
I agree, dogs are not accessories.
@sunshine 919
No they are not accessories!  To many, they are the only family they will ever have.....


What does that have to do with bringing dogs in the store?

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Re: Dogs in the grocery store

@JaneMarple wrote:

@151949 wrote:

I wonder how you all would feel about this if you were allergic to dogs and could not go to the store to get your groceries without having an asthma attack??? 


@151949  I wouldn't worry about it because I have my choice of grocery stores to shop at and not all them allow dogs so the question is moot!



The ADA referenced pages I linked to said that for people claiming allergies it was highly unlikely they would be severely affected unless they touched a dog or it was in their face, literally, which they also stated would be highly unlikely in a supermarket. I suspect they've been hit with these claims before and have discussed the subject with allergist MDs. So, the ADA answer is, in essence, "too bad." And they would appear to be the final arbiter unless someone took it to the Supreme Court.


I don't disapprove of dogs in grocery stores because of dislike of or fear of dogs, or allergies. And I don't dislike dogs or other *service* animals and some companion animals being where they need to be. The key words for me are "*service*, and *need* to be, vs. their owner just wants them to be, just cuz.

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Re: Dogs in the grocery store

@shoekitty wrote:

Some towns are more dog friendly than others.  In Palo Alto I see dogs in the stores all the time.  Macy's, Neimans the stores and some cafes.  Where I live I have seen small dogs contained in bags or blankets in the grocery store once in a while, but this lis a new occurrence for our town.  It doesn't really bother me because it sort of brings joy when I see them.. But I could imagine some people are afraid of dogs.  I have a friend who goes into a panic when she sees a dog.

as far as cleanliness, I imagine the pups are cleaner than some of the people in the stores!  I love to see service dogs anywhere, they are a great interest to me and I love to see them work.


Now what I would like to know, is why we don't see more cats in the stores!  HMMMM, COULD IT BE THE DELIGHTFUL CRITTERS ARE A LITTLE HARD TO STUFF IN THOSE CUTE BAGS.  Lol. Oh yeah!  I can just see my Sushi sitting in a cart at the store right now, hahahahha ppppffffiitttt. Phhhhiiittt. Spit 😼😺😺🙀😹

@shoekitty   ≈^••^≈   I would head straight for the MEAT COUNTER.......♥♥♥ Kitty the Fuzz

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