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Re: Dogs in the grocery store

@tropics21 wrote:

that is your opinion, to some of us, our pets are our children, it's apparent you are old school

Well then I'm old school.  I like pets but I know they are not the same as children.  Any child can grow up to be president.  A dog can be a helper and companion - occasionally even a hero, but they are far different than precious children.

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Re: Dogs in the grocery store

@151949 wrote:

When we are in Pa we stay in a very small town with only one grocery store. There is a very large plan here where they have senior housing from independant homes up to skilled nursing and there is a daily bus to the grocery store. Lately we have noticed a lot of people in the store with dogs in their grocery carts. What the heck???? One dog I saw was very dirty and smelled terrible. He was beside me at the deli counter. So I asked the manager about it and she said they are "service dogs" and the law says they are allowed. i doubted this and looked it up. Actually only guide dogs for the blind are allowed and even then not if they are in an area where food could be contaminated. It is a federal law - as grocery stores are under the Department of Agriculture -that pets are not allowed in grocery stores and  "emotional support" dogs whose only qualification is obtained from the internet are not service dogs but are, in fact, just pets. It seems that these individuals are just constantly pushing the limits over this and every time no one pushes back they just go further. I saw one wearing a diaper in the shopping cart -- gross!!! How far are we as a society going to allow with this? 

100% agree w/you.  Emotional support dogs are not service dogs.  I am so sick of people expecting everyone else to like their dogs just because they do.  No, thanks.  It ranks up there w/no smoking.

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Re: Dogs in the grocery store

Seems that many have no problem with dogs in grocery stores.  Is this approval for all dogs or only small ones?  What is the criteria you want established?  Stores get crowded enough at times, would hate to have to maneuver around dogs.  People are bad enough.

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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Re: Dogs in the grocery store


@bri20 wrote:

Why are children compared to pets on these types of threads? 



I know, right? I love dogs as well, but I am a firm believer that there is a time and place for animals and the grocery store is not one of those places, unless you truly need a service dog,but otherwise no!! Children are human beings and therefore should not be banned from grovery stores. Granted if they are touching all over everything, it is up to their parents to put a stop to it, but comparing children and dogs in the grovery store is just crazy to me!!!My own opinion!

Thank you!

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Re: Dogs in the grocery store

Only service dogs are allowed in our stores except Pet Stores.  Never seen any dog in any cart or in anyones arms.  You might want to check out the local ordinances if it bothers you.  




I love dogs as you can see by my picture of our KIDS two long haired Chihuahuas,  but I honestly don't think they belong in a store of any kind except for pet supplies 

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Re: Dogs in the grocery store

It's better than leaving them in hot cars with all the windows rolled up. Some people are so ignorant. But don't get me started. I love dogs-anywhere. I don't know what would happen, tho, if everyone brought their dog to the store. That could present all kinds of problems. I see Golden Retrievers a lot as service dogs (don't touch me because I'm working). I can hardly stand not to pet them. And I can see they want me to pet them. All I can do is walk away. One came in church. That was the sweetest thing. He lay in the main aisle, right in front of the altar. Everyone just walked around him. I think Jesus liked him Heart

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Re: Dogs in the grocery store

@CrazyDaisy wrote:

@QueenDanceALot wrote:

So, do people who think dogs should be banned from grocery stores have dogs in their homes?


Or are they banned there too?

Really not a relevant comparison.  In the privacy of your home you are free to do what you please.  When in public there are others to be considered and expected behaviors. It is called living in a society.

My question was really about the cleanliness issue some people seem to have.


And thank you for pointing out what living in a society means.  I was raised by wolves.


Cat Tongue

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Re: Dogs in the grocery store

@Sooner wrote:

@QueenDanceALot wrote:

So, do people who think dogs should be banned from grocery stores have dogs in their homes?


Or are they banned there too?

That is different.  A grocery store is not your home, nor a bank nor any other public place.  We had lots of dogs, but they were dogs.  They had no business at the grocery store.  I doubt seriously they would want to be there either. . . People could step on them, drop cans on them, run over them with carts, and they could bite or frighten people too.  

I addressed this in another post.  I was responding to the cleanliness argument.


As to your comments, the same could be said for small children in grocery stores.



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Re: Dogs in the grocery store

@Sooner wrote:

Well there you have it:  FRANCE does it!  Woman Surprised

There you have WHAT?


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Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: Dogs in the grocery store

@QueenDanceALot wrote:

@CrazyDaisy wrote:

@QueenDanceALot wrote:

So, do people who think dogs should be banned from grocery stores have dogs in their homes?


Or are they banned there too?

Really not a relevant comparison.  In the privacy of your home you are free to do what you please.  When in public there are others to be considered and expected behaviors. It is called living in a society.

My question was really about the cleanliness issue some people seem to have.


And thank you for pointing out what living in a society means.  I was raised by wolves.


Cat Tongue

The public should have a level of cleanliness and safety with their food sources.  There are many rules and regulations in place to assure that.  Giving animals free reign in these places appears to be one rule many would like to see enforced.  What you choose to do in your home is not my concern.

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.