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Re: Do you expect to have many trick or treaters?

I bought two bags of candy I will put in bowl on front porch with a "Please Take One" sign on it.   I started doing this about 10 years ago because my dogs would get nuts.  I still do it and only once in that time did someone take all the candy.  I want there to be something for the little kids that Trick or Treat.  

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Re: Do you expect to have many trick or treaters?

Haven't done this in years. But then again, I don't know that we have any small kids in the area anymore. In a gated community so kids are generally from the neighborhood.

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Re: Do you expect to have many trick or treaters?

Lots and lots!!! The other communities actually bus kids to our neighborhood for the trick or treating.  It's an amazing night of the year, for sure.

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Posts: 518
Registered: ‎06-19-2010

Re: Do you expect to have many trick or treaters?

It's 32 degrees and snowing here (Chicago suburbs).  I'm starting to think that it wasn't necessary to buy 11 bags of candy.

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Re: Do you expect to have many trick or treaters?

I've been in this townhouse for a little over 16 years. The 1st year we lived here, I think maybe 6 kids showed up, we didn't bother answering the door. Since then, because of where my house is located, there haven't been any. (it's at the back of the subdivision with a small branch of a local river running in front of the house)

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Re: Do you expect to have many trick or treaters?

We won't be home to hand out candy, Thursdays is church night, but usually we get about 20-25 kids. It is snowing here and very cold, so not sure how many will venture out tonight..Probably the older ones for sure.

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Re: Do you expect to have many trick or treaters?

  I get around a dozen kids each year. When my son was little there were more kids in the neighborhood.Back then I'd get 40-50. Not anymore.

  Rather than getting stuck with bags of candy,I bought a big jug of mini pretzel bags in Costco.They're low calorie & not as unhealthy as chocolate.

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Re: Do you expect to have many trick or treaters?

Not really sure.  Normally we have a couple hundred.  It is so bad that we have to close off our street to vehicle traffic.


But, it's been raining all day and I just heard a weather alert saying winds of 40-45 mph and gust of 60 expected tonight.  They are predicting tree limbs down (we have a ton of trees in my neighborhood) and power outages.  Hope they are wrong.

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Re: Do you expect to have many trick or treaters?

We never get any. Maybe this year will be different.

'cuz every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man
Honored Contributor
Posts: 13,468
Registered: ‎07-15-2016

Re: Do you expect to have many trick or treaters?

No.  I live in a high-rise apt. bldg.


Residents can sign-up to participate and a list will be in the lobby so trick/treaters know whose bell to ring and not to disturb other residents.


I'm not participating .... I'll be otherwise occupied.