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Re: Do/Did you socialize with co-workers and/or boss?

Yes! I taught school for 32 years before retiring. The first school I taught at had the best bunch of teachers & staff. We were dedicated to our jobs, and, boy, we could party!


We had TGIF parties at the restaurant down the street. The principal would come over the intercom & say TGIF. We had parties every time there was a wedding, baby, birthday, etc. We had pot lucks at the principal’s house & teachers’ houses. What fun memories! 


Most of us are retired; a few are working at different schools. We get together twice a year now - summer & Christmas holiday. Always look forward to it. 

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Re: Do/Did you socialize with co-workers and/or boss?

Only if it was required for some company work thingy.

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Re: Do/Did you socialize with co-workers and/or boss?

@CrazyKittyLvr2   I made some very good friends at my work for over 25 years. We took trips together and did other fun things.  When I retired, I also retired my friendships. I just did not want to feel obligated to anyone anymore. That is how I like it now.

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Re: Do/Did you socialize with co-workers and/or boss?

[ Edited ]

Yes, when I worked for an airline for twenty years. Marriages, divorces, parties during working hours. Work a double shift and spend a few hours at the local watering hole because we knew to bring the boss with us.

Hopped on a plane for the weekend, etc.etc. Fun Times.

This was many years ago.  Edited to add...found my husband at this job. Still have him.

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Re: Do/Did you socialize with co-workers and/or boss?

[ Edited ]

I became close friends with four co-workers ......even after two retired and two went on to different careers we are still close and maintained our friendship and get together quite often......


As far as our boss---we have only had one decent one---but he wasn't allowed to socialize with us unless it was an official company function---i.e. The Company Christmas Party or some kind of special event....He got in trouble one time for joining a few of us in the lounge area for lunch.  Even though we discussed current events and sports and there was no mention of work at all higher ups told him it didn't look right, and makes it appear to others we had preferential treatment and "inside connections"


As far as other bosses Ive had over the years----Wouldnt want to socialize with them AT ALL and avoid them at work at all costs--glad I get to work from home a lot!!!  

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Re: Do/Did you socialize with co-workers and/or boss?

Yes, one of my boses became my friend and we carry our family friendship through thick and thin for 23 years.


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Re: Do/Did you socialize with co-workers and/or boss?

@SeaMaiden wrote:

@CrazyKittyLvr2   I made some very good friends at my work for over 25 years. We took trips together and did other fun things.  When I retired, I also retired my friendships. I just did not want to feel obligated to anyone anymore. That is how I like it now.



This is one of the saddest things I've read here in a long time.


My small core group of friends are people I met through work . A few different employers and several job changes for most of us . We've stayed friends over decades. They are as important and dear to me as anyone could be.


Retire them? Never. They are my social life. They are my comfort when I am hurting. They are my family.

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Re: Do/Did you socialize with co-workers and/or boss?

[ Edited ]

Absolutely not. Work is just that - work. The bulk of my career was spent in the upper levels of finance at a Fortune 500 company. I kept my job and my personal life completely separate. A lot of the office/clerical support staff would get together outside of the office, but it just wasn't something I wanted, or felt was appropriate to do. Besides that, I traveled over 50% of the time and just wanted to go home at the end of the day. 

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Re: Do/Did you socialize with co-workers and/or boss?

Yes about co-workers.  Christmas parties with bosses.  But the co-workers who were my friends still are very close friends 30+ years later. 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Do/Did you socialize with co-workers and/or boss?

When i worked co workers (male and females but mostly females) and my boss (male) all went out a lot to lunch, dinners, dancing, Christmas parties, birthdays, you name it. Fun times! But since I do not work (due to spine injuries/surgeries in 2001) I only hear from one woman I used to work with and my old boss and I exchange birthday and holiday cards yet. Gosh how I miss those days. Most people cant wait to retire, I wish I could still work and I had to quit working way too soon! If I could work Id work as long as I could (way past retirement, yes!).

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles