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Do/Did you socialize with co-workers and/or boss?

Had breakfast with a former co-worker and we talked of the fun we had with the people who we worked with.  This was before the couple of new women came and fun ceased.


We had get togethers at boss's and associates's houses.  Summer is was porch parties Friday after work. Spouses came too.  Associate's wife would make snacks and have drinks or we got pizza and wings. We went to dinner or out for a drink after work. The Monday after Thanksgiving the bosses went hunting we (secretaries)  got breakfast from a local restaurant and all ate together in the library.  No attorneys, no appointments that day.  It became a tradition.


Wherever I worked we all normally had lunch together every day.


One place closed the office an afternoon near Christmas and everyone went to the local movie threater to a free showing of A Wonderful Life. I was there briefly but they did it every year.  Full disclosure,  I offered to stay and answer phones.  I hate sappy movies of any kind and lived 60 years without  seeing that darn movie and was ok.  Nope, bless them, it was like living with Santa's elves from 12/1 on.  I went. It was a long 2 hrs.


I worked with some fun people.  Do you see co-workers or your boss outside of work?



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Re: Do/Did you socialize with co-workers and/or boss?

yes, both, while i was working for them or they were working for me.....even AFTER i stopped working for them and after they stopped working for me. not all, but quite a few.

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Re: Do/Did you socialize with co-workers and/or boss?

No, I worked in a professional,very competitive atmosphere where there was very little chance to move up the line. The women would actually try to sabotage each other to get ahead. I wasn't in their league so I knew I had no where to move up to, but it was sad to see these women operate.  

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Re: Do/Did you socialize with co-workers and/or boss?

I socialized with some of my co- workers, and some of them became my friends that I see now that I’m retired. I would rather have root canal than socialize with my ex- boss, he was horrible. 


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Re: Do/Did you socialize with co-workers and/or boss?

Yes. Some great times and memories made.  Now that I'm retired, some bring me lunch once in a while.

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Re: Do/Did you socialize with co-workers and/or boss?

Not to the extent that you did.  We all spend a lot of hours at working with the same people year after year.  Yes, did indeed develop friendships.  My two best friends are women that I met at jobs and they are more like sisters to me than friends.  Sometimes the friendships are "work" friendships, you don't see each other outside of work but you commute together, have coffee together, have lunch together.  You share everything with each other, personal and professional.  I have had many of those over the years.  On my earlier jobs, our bosses would invite the staff to their homes for a year cookout or a holiday party or the retirement party of an employee would be at the boss' house.  However, that was many years ago when I first started working.  Over the years, that type of thing did not happen.  On all of my jobs, groups of employees would meet for drinks or dinner on a Friday night but I never really did that because when I returned to work after 10 years as a sahm,  I left work and went home to the kids.  There was no time or desire for drinks at that trendy new bar over on State Street.  Yes, a few of my friends are women I once worked with but they are the ones I had a personal friendship with while we were working.  We socialized with our husbands and kids outside of work.  I find that "work" friendships that only existed at work; tend to weaken and sometimes end completely when you no longer have the job in common.  I think the job was the glue.  Even though I still work in the department, I work from my home and many of my "work" friendships didn't survive that.  

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Re: Do/Did you socialize with co-workers and/or boss?

I need to exercise my rights under The Fifth Amendment

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Re: Do/Did you socialize with co-workers and/or boss?

One oilfield company I worked for during the oil boom had parties all the time with bbq & drinks. We had a good time.

Another oilfield company I worked for used to bring in steaks & quail for lunch as a treat. I'm sure they could afford it since they were stealing oil. Yes they got arrested. No I had no idea they were stealing oil. LOL!!! I was too young & naive.

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Re: Do/Did you socialize with co-workers and/or boss?

Yes. I worked in a small department, where we got together at holidays and birthdays. After I retired, my former assistant and I stayed in touch. We got out to dinner with our husbands several times a year. Just yesterday we met them for dinner and caught up on all our family news. We have become dear friends.

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Re: Do/Did you socialize with co-workers and/or boss?

Some of my best friends are co-workers, but they are mostly the same work level as me i.e., legal secretary.  I work for a very large law firm and it is very rare to see "staff" socialize with attorneys outside of work - it is discouraged.  I work with some very nice attorneys who I imagine I would get along with just fine, but I do prefer to keep my private life private from them.