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Re: Disappearing Without a Trace

When I was in my 20's an acquaintence of my boss disappeared one day never to be seen again.


He was about 50, well known, well respected. It appeared he was going swimming, car and other items like his wallet intact. He could certainly handle any attacker.


He was engaged more or less. Seems he also had a female friend whom he confided in. He wasn't happy, didn't plan on going thru with the marriage. 


Never been found nor heard from since.

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Re: Disappearing Without a Trace

@JBKO, I find the unsolved mystery shows very interesting, too. I wonder if some people just drop off the radar and start a new life, I'm afraid most disappearances aren't that innocent though.


Its very hard to understand how things can happen in broad daylight and nobody see anything. Or at least not give authorities enough clues to get anywhere. We had a woman kidnapped not far from here in broad daylight from a busy shopping center on a Saturday afternoon 2 weeks ago. I didn't hear of anyone seeing or hearing anything odd that day. I was there last week with hubby and just kept looking at all the people out and about, asking him how nobody saw anything....I just don't get it.

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Re: Disappearing Without a Trace

@Tique wrote:

@drizzellla   were they ready to be consumed? What's your theory?


Some animal had a good time. Not sure what animal. We have had a variety of animals in our yard through the years. 


The green beans were ready.  The tomatoes weren't red yet. But I am sure whatever animal ate it, didn't matter to them. 

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Re: Disappearing Without a Trace

I love ID and true crime. I’m following the missing Iowa college student.
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Re: Disappearing Without a Trace

@SXMGirl wrote:

Reminds me of the Richard Petrone and Danielle Imbo case of 2005.  They were driving home from an evening in Philly.  Both of them, along with their car, have never been seen again.  It is considered a murder-for-hire.  I have always wanted resolution to this case.

I thought the alibi of Danielle's ex-husband was "too good". He was attending a party and there happened to be a police officer at the party. And Danielle's ex-husband Joe calling Rich Petrone 25-30 times right before they disappeared. 


I don't think it will ever be solved.

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Re: Disappearing Without a Trace

I have watched a few but stopped. I hate the way they end with no resolution about what happened.  Just like Natalie Holloway!  Its terribly sad what the people have to go through not knowing what has happened to their family member or friend.

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Re: Disappearing Without a Trace

At least with Natalee Holloway there is a suspect that has "confessed". 

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Re: Disappearing Without a Trace

I love THESE TYPES OF SHOWS.  It makes me be mindful that anything can happen.  My husband and I always tell each other where we are going, what time I should return, and all the details.  I have met couples who don't do that. 


Also I am always looking around and I don't let people walk behind me, I'll move to the side and let them pass whenever possible.

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Re: Disappearing Without a Trace

My ex and I finally gave up our backyard vegetable garden after three seasons of futility.....the tomatoes, green beans, melons etc. would look promising.... and then overfnight they'd be gone.....heartbreaking!


I feel your pain.


Our neighborhood was more rural then and I suspect it was a group of deer and a bunch of rabbits....


Yes, we tried all kinds of deterents but the critters cared less.


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Re: Disappearing Without a Trace

[ Edited ]

Back to the human disappearance without a trace -- in the early 1890's one of my great uncles (allegedly the black sheep of the family) left New England and went west....never to be heard from the story always ended.


Without the thorough record keeping of today it was much easier for someone to disappear without a trace.