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I spoke w/my sister about this earlier this evening.  I have a doc appt in NY on Thursday, that I had rescheduled once already.  I had planned to drive up Wednesday and come back Monday.  And get to spend Easter with my family.  


I live in DE now and am a little afraid that I would not be allowed back in as DE is on lockdown.  And I don't have DE plates on my car yet.


We decided it's not worth it.  One of my nephews will be working all weekend anyway.  We can celebrate another time.



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I live in Louisiana & the Texas governor said anyone traveling from Louisiana into Texas is to quarantine for 14 days but as far as I know there are no road blocks.
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What puzzles me is people are upset over graduations and birthday parties and vacations when thousands are dying.  


What does that say about our country?  


It's a burden to forgo a party to possibly save a life?  I don't get it.  I don't get the level of what is important to some people. 

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if you are not a year-round resident of the outer banks of NC, you can't travel there. 

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@Kachina624 wrote:

If you think grocery stores are a mess now, try stopping interstate truck traffic.

@Kachina624   Yup,  just about EVERYTHING in AZ comes by truck from California.   di

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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I heard on a Live PD Special tonight that some states may consider clamping down on sales of alcohol to prevent domestic violence.

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I have not read all the post, so I don't know if this was mentioned. I saw on our local NJ news earlier this week that Florida was stopping cars with NJ plates on I-95 and asking them to quarantine for 14 days. NJ has a high rate of positive cases of Covid-19. There was a long line of cars stopped. 😮

"Kindness is like snow ~It beautifies everything it covers"
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@homedecor1 Chastise away.  I told her I wasn't worth the risk and to stay safe but it got turned around on me being ungrateful and her doing what she wants to do with my sisters' support.  She wants to see everyone not just me.


 I hope the police turn her around and send them straight home but she'll probably get herself here.  If you hear about a Smoky and the Bandit run at the border next week involving a senior citizen, I don't know her.  

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I don't know but I feel they should mandate people crossing state lines!  


Stay home, stay home, stay home!  


How many times does it have to be repeated on the news, on the radio, on line, in the newspaper, etc?  Social distancing!!!!!  


One person meets with one person and that person meets with 2 more people, and those 2 people meet with 2 more people and so on and so on.  


Doesn't matter if you're meeting with friends, relatives, or what!  People--- stay home --- quit running all over the place!  


If it's not a necessary thing such as medications, food --- then don't go out!  A social get together is not a necessary thing.  Sure, we all miss those things, but it's important to make a small sacrifice so this can end all the sooner and for the good of everyone!!!!! 

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Every once in a while the thought occurs to me that it would be wonderful to have a centralized agency that could unite all of our states with information based on top notch medical advice. 

Something interactive that could function firmly and fairly to cut the red tape, establish a sense of order, and most of all, base decisions on the medical and logistical personnel who can function on fact rather than individual sensitivities and .biases.


Oh, wait......