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decaf preferred if i am at home. i like it from a pot, NOT from a keurig. i do like to treat myself to starbucks sometimes. i prefer decaf dark roasts, which are not always easy to find.


2 small mugs in the morning......sugar in the raw and half n half or cream.....if real sugar and half n half are not available, then i cannot drink it (no artificial sweetener and no coffee mate and no milk.)


skip coffee sometimes in the summer, but drink it almost every day in the cooler months.

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Coffee?  Never.  It's awful.  I like espresso, latte, and iced latte.

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To me, a day without my morning cup of coffee is like a day without sunshine.


The End.


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I'm sluggish without my morning coffee.  I'm the one who always adds a dollop of peanut butter into my hot cup of coffee with a bit of milk. 

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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I drink 2-3 cups in the morning beforem10:00- 10:30.   I like it black and strong.  After that, I don't like coffee at all.  I never drink it after mid morning.  Also, I don't like anything coffee flavored like ice cream or candy.  And don't come near me with iced coffee.   Nastiest thing I've ever tasted. 


I don't know why I love it hot in the A.M. only, but that's the way it is.

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@Desertdi wrote:

I drink at least three pots a day..........(maybe more).     Got used to it at the office -- never stopped.



I would be bouncing off the walls and NEVER sleeping on that much coffee (and when I wasn't bouncing off walls - I would be in the bathroom!)Woman LOLWoman LOLWoman LOL

Deep In The Heart of Texas
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I drink coffee about 3x a week, only in the mornings, and never more than 2 cups.   I prefer a breakfast blend coffee, with a teaspoon of sugar and a tiny sprinkle of creamer.    

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Registered: ‎11-20-2016

I just heard something  good on The Doctors today for coffee drinkers. It seems they have decided that 2-5 cups per day reduces your chances of getting Alzheimer's disease by 30%.

Deep In The Heart of Texas
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Love, love, love good coffee, can't imagine not having a good fresh cup in the morning.  Limit to one cup a day when I'm working at home, more when I'm out of the country.  I like to try it when I'm out of the country, too experience different ways of making and serving.


Yum, yummy.

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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My husband makes the best coffee and I usually drink 2 mugs black in the morning. His coffee is so good, it would be a cryin shame to add anything to it.