Posts: 45
Registered: ‎08-30-2010

I usually have 1 cup in the morning and sometimes 1 at night!!

coffee wakes me up in the morning but if I drink it at night it

puts me to sleep!!  So weird !!!

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I drink one big mug for breakfast. Sometimes if I have banana bread or cake, I'll have another cup in the evening 

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I share a pot of coffee each morning with my husband. Often we don't quite polish it off. We both drink it black. No coffee after the morning EVAR.


We both used to use sugar and, IIRC, milk years ago. We decided we were ruining good coffee and weaned ourselves off both.


We buy Peet's coffee -- Major Dickason's Blend, to be specific. It might a local brand. I'm not sure. But it is super high-quality.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Just a cup a day.  Sometimes I'll order coffee when I go out to eat.

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@qvcfreak wrote:

I drink one big mug for breakfast. Sometimes if I have banana bread or cake, I'll have another cup in the evening 


Sounds good to me!

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I heat up unsweetened chocolate almond milk, sweeten it with vanilla stevia extract and add my instant coffee to that.  I also add powdered  medicinal mushrooms to it.  I might have three teaspoons of instant coffee a day total. 

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I drink two cups every morning with a little half 'n half.  I stop at Starbucks often and get an iced decaf vanilla latte.  

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Decaf is the usual; caffeine only about once a week. Flavored creamer with a shake of cinnamon. My treat is McDonald's iced coffee, which is more like chocolate milk on ice.

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Two cups every morning. Gets me going.Woman Wink

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I drink several cups per day. I'd drink more if we had better coffee at work. I love good cup of coffee.....Seriously love it.